(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/vendor/arduino-mode") (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.\\(pde\\|ino\\)$" . arduino-mode) auto-mode-alist)) (autoload 'arduino-mode "arduino-mode" "Arduino editing mode." t) (show-paren-mode 1) ; Highlight matching parenthesis (require 'rainbow-delimiters) (rainbow-delimiters-mode 1) (require 'company) (setq company-dabbrev-downcase 0) (setq company-idle-delay 0) (global-company-mode 1) ;; with quickhelp ;;(company-quickhelp-mode 1) ;; needs pos-tip (require 'iedit) ;; iedit - use C-; and C-' to change all matched symbols (require 'modern-cpp-font-lock) (modern-c++-font-lock-global-mode t) (require 'yasnippet) (yas-global-mode 1) (require 'flycheck) (global-flycheck-mode 1) ;;(require 'cedet) ;; built-in c++ ide tools ;;(require 'semantic/bovine/gcc) ;; Provided by CEDET package ;;(setq semantic-default-submodes ;; '( ;; Perform semantic actions during idle time ;; global-semantic-idle-scheduler-mode ;; Use a database of parsed tags ;; global-semanticdb-minor-mode ;;Decorate buffers with additional semantic information ;; global-semantic-decoration-mode ;; Highlight the name of the function you're currently in ;; global-semantic-highlight-func-mode ;; show the name of the function at the top in a sticky ;; global-semantic-stickyfunc-mode ;; Generate a summary of the current tag when idle ;; global-semantic-idle-summary-mode ;; Show a breadcrumb of location during idle time ;; global-semantic-idle-breadcrumbs-mode ;; ;; global-semantic-idle-local-symbol-highlight-mode ;; )) ;;(semantic-mode 1) ;; always semantic mode ;; Bil-namespace helper functions ;; Function definitionss with BIL namespace! ;; Insert line above with indent (defun bil/cpp-line-insert-indent () "This inserts a line, with indenting" (interactive) (previous-line) (end-of-line) (newline-and-indent)) ;; Insert newline in current line, keep cursor in place (defun bil/cpp-line-insert-in-place () (interactive) (save-excursion (move-beginning-of-line 1) (newline))) (provide 'my-programming)