;;; magit-popup.el --- Define prefix-infix-suffix command combos -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2010-2020 The Magit Project Contributors ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the AUTHORS.md file which ;; lists all contributors. If not, see http://magit.vc/authors. ;; This library was inspired by and replaces library `magit-key-mode', ;; which was written by Phil Jackson and is ;; distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or later. ;; Author: Jonas Bernoulli ;; Maintainer: Jonas Bernoulli ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.4") (dash "2.13.0")) ;; Keywords: bindings ;; Homepage: https://github.com/magit/magit-popup ;; Magit-Popup is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; ;; Magit-Popup is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with Magit-Popup. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses. ;;; Commentary: ;; This package implements a generic interface for toggling switches ;; and setting options and then invoking an Emacs command that does ;; something with these arguments. Usually the command calls an ;; external process with the specified arguments. ;; This package has been superseded by Transient. No new features ;; will be added but bugs will be fixed. ;;; Code: (require 'button) (require 'cl-lib) (require 'dash) (require 'format-spec) (eval-when-compile (require 'subr-x)) (declare-function info 'info) (declare-function Man-find-section 'man) (declare-function Man-next-section 'man) ;; For branch actions. (declare-function magit-branch-set-face 'magit-git) ;;; Settings ;;;; Custom Groups (defgroup magit-popup nil "Infix arguments with a popup as feedback." :link '(info-link "(magit-popup)") :group 'bindings) (defgroup magit-popup-faces nil "Faces used by Magit-Popup." :group 'magit-popup) ;;;; Custom Options (defcustom magit-popup-display-buffer-action '((display-buffer-below-selected)) "The action used to display a popup buffer. Popup buffers are displayed using `display-buffer' with the value of this option as ACTION argument. You can also set this to nil and instead add an entry to `display-buffer-alist'." :package-version '(magit-popup . "2.4.0") :group 'magit-popup :type 'sexp) (defcustom magit-popup-manpage-package (if (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos)) 'woman 'man) "The package used to display manpages. One of `man' or `woman'." :group 'magit-popup :type '(choice (const man) (const woman))) (defcustom magit-popup-show-help-echo t "Show usage information in the echo area." :group 'magit-popup :type 'boolean) (defcustom magit-popup-show-common-commands nil "Whether to initially show section with commands common to all popups. This section can also be toggled temporarily using \ \\\\[magit-popup-toggle-show-common-commands]." :package-version '(magit-popup . "2.9.0") :group 'magit-popup :type 'boolean) (defcustom magit-popup-use-prefix-argument 'default "Control how prefix arguments affect infix argument popups. This option controls the effect that the use of a prefix argument before entering a popup has. `default' With a prefix argument directly invoke the popup's default action (an Emacs command), instead of bringing up the popup. `popup' With a prefix argument bring up the popup, otherwise directly invoke the popup's default action. `nil' Ignore prefix arguments." :group 'magit-popup :type '(choice (const :tag "Call default action instead of showing popup" default) (const :tag "Show popup instead of calling default action" popup) (const :tag "Ignore prefix argument" nil))) ;;;; Custom Faces (defface magit-popup-heading '((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)) "Face for key mode header lines." :group 'magit-popup-faces) (defface magit-popup-key '((t :inherit font-lock-builtin-face)) "Face for key mode buttons." :group 'magit-popup-faces) (defface magit-popup-argument '((t :inherit font-lock-warning-face)) "Face used to display enabled arguments in popups." :group 'magit-popup-faces) (defface magit-popup-disabled-argument '((t :inherit shadow)) "Face used to display disabled arguments in popups." :group 'magit-popup-faces) (defface magit-popup-option-value '((t :inherit font-lock-string-face)) "Face used to display option values in popups." :group 'magit-popup-faces) ;;;; Keymap (defvar magit-popup-mode-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map [remap self-insert-command] 'magit-invoke-popup-action) (define-key map (kbd "- ") 'magit-invoke-popup-switch) (define-key map (kbd "= ") 'magit-invoke-popup-option) (define-key map (kbd "C-g") 'magit-popup-quit) (define-key map (kbd "?") 'magit-popup-help) (define-key map (kbd "C-h k") 'magit-popup-help) (define-key map (kbd "C-h i") 'magit-popup-info) (define-key map (kbd "C-t") 'magit-popup-toggle-show-common-commands) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-c") 'magit-popup-set-default-arguments) (define-key map (kbd "C-x C-s") 'magit-popup-save-default-arguments) (cond ((featurep 'jkl) (define-key map (kbd "C-p") 'universal-argument) (define-key map [return] 'push-button) (define-key map (kbd "C-i") 'backward-button) (define-key map (kbd "C-k") 'forward-button)) (t (define-key map (kbd "C-m") 'push-button) (define-key map (kbd "DEL") 'backward-button) (define-key map (kbd "C-p") 'backward-button) (define-key map (kbd "C-i") 'forward-button) (define-key map (kbd "C-n") 'forward-button))) map) "Keymap for `magit-popup-mode'. \\\ This keymap contains bindings common to all popups. A section listing these commands can be shown or hidden using \ \\[magit-popup-toggle-show-common-commands]. The prefix used to toggle any switch can be changed by binding another key to `magit-invoke-popup-switch'. Likewise binding another key to `magit-invoke-popup-option' changes the prefixed used to set any option. The two prefixes have to be different. If you change these bindings, you should also change the `prefix' property of the button types `magit-popup-switch-button' and `magit-popup-option-button'. If you change any other binding, then you might have to also edit `magit-popup-common-commands' for things to align correctly in the section listing these commands. Never bind an alphabetic character in this keymap or you might make it impossible to invoke certain actions.") (defvar magit-popup-common-commands '(("Set defaults" magit-popup-set-default-arguments) ("View popup manual" magit-popup-info) ("Toggle this section" magit-popup-toggle-show-common-commands) ("Save defaults" magit-popup-save-default-arguments) (" Popup help prefix" magit-popup-help) ("Abort" magit-popup-quit))) ;;;; Buttons (define-button-type 'magit-popup-button 'face nil 'action (lambda (button) (funcall (button-get button 'function) (button-get button 'event)))) (define-button-type 'magit-popup-switch-button 'supertype 'magit-popup-button 'function 'magit-invoke-popup-switch 'property :switches 'heading "Switches\n" 'formatter 'magit-popup-format-argument-button 'format " %k %d (%a)" 'prefix ?- 'maxcols 1) (define-button-type 'magit-popup-option-button 'supertype 'magit-popup-button 'function 'magit-invoke-popup-option 'property :options 'heading "Options\n" 'formatter 'magit-popup-format-argument-button 'format " %k %d (%a%v)" 'prefix ?= 'maxcols 1) (define-button-type 'magit-popup-variable-button 'supertype 'magit-popup-button 'function 'magit-invoke-popup-action 'property :variables 'heading "Variables\n" 'formatter 'magit-popup-format-variable-button 'format " %k %d" 'prefix nil 'maxcols 1) (define-button-type 'magit-popup-action-button 'supertype 'magit-popup-button 'function 'magit-invoke-popup-action 'property :actions 'heading "Actions\n" 'formatter 'magit-popup-format-action-button 'format " %k %d" 'prefix nil 'maxcols :max-action-columns) (define-button-type 'magit-popup-command-button 'supertype 'magit-popup-action-button 'formatter 'magit-popup-format-command-button 'action (lambda (button) (let ((command (button-get button 'function))) (unless (eq command 'push-button) (call-interactively command))))) (define-button-type 'magit-popup-internal-command-button 'supertype 'magit-popup-command-button 'heading "Common Commands\n" 'maxcols 3) ;;; Events (defvar-local magit-this-popup nil "The popup which is currently active. This is intended for internal use only. Don't confuse this with `magit-current-popup'.") (defvar-local magit-this-popup-events nil "The events known to the active popup. This is intended for internal use only. Don't confuse this with `magit-current-popup-args'.") (defvar-local magit-previous-popup nil) (defvar-local magit-pre-popup-buffer nil "The buffer that was current before invoking the active popup.") (defun magit-popup-get (prop) "While a popup is active, get the value of PROP." (if (memq prop '(:switches :options :variables :actions)) (plist-get magit-this-popup-events prop) (plist-get (symbol-value magit-this-popup) prop))) (defun magit-popup-put (prop val) "While a popup is active, set the value of PROP to VAL." (if (memq prop '(:switches :options :variables :actions)) (setq magit-this-popup-events (plist-put magit-this-popup-events prop val)) (error "Property %s isn't supported" prop))) (defvar magit-current-popup nil "The popup from which this editing command was invoked. Use this inside the `interactive' form of a popup aware command to determine whether it was invoked from a popup and if so from which popup. If the current command was invoked without the use of a popup, then this is nil.") (defvar magit-current-popup-action nil "The popup action now being executed.") (defvar magit-current-popup-args nil "The value of the popup arguments for this editing command. If the current command was invoked from a popup, then this is a list of strings of all the set switches and options. This includes arguments which are set by default not only those explicitly set during this invocation. When the value is nil, then that can be because no argument is set, or because the current command wasn't invoked from a popup; consult `magit-current-popup' to tell the difference. Generally it is better to use `NAME-arguments', which is created by `magit-define-popup', instead of this variable or the function by the same name, because `NAME-argument' uses the default value for the arguments when the editing command is invoked directly instead of from a popup. When the command is bound in several popups that might not be feasible though.") (defun magit-current-popup-args (&rest filter) "Return the value of the popup arguments for this editing command. The value is the same as that of the variable by the same name \(which see), except that FILTER is applied. FILTER is a list of regexps; only arguments that match one of them are returned. The first element of FILTER may also be `:not' in which case only arguments that don't match any of the regexps are returned, or `:only' which doesn't change the behaviour." (let ((-compare-fn (lambda (a b) (magit-popup-arg-match b a)))) (-filter (if (eq (car filter) :not) (lambda (arg) (not (-contains-p (cdr filter) arg))) (when (eq (car filter) :only) (pop filter)) (lambda (arg) (-contains-p filter arg))) magit-current-popup-args))) (defvar magit-current-pre-popup-buffer nil "The buffer that was current before invoking the active popup. This is bound when invoking an action or variable.") (defmacro magit-with-pre-popup-buffer (&rest body) "Execute the forms in BODY in the buffer that current before the popup. If `magit-current-pre-popup-buffer' is non-nil use that, else if `magit-pre-popup-buffer' is non-nil use that, otherwise (when no popup is involved) execute the forms in the current buffer." (declare (indent 0)) `(--if-let (or magit-current-pre-popup-buffer magit-pre-popup-buffer) (with-current-buffer it ,@body) ,@body)) (defun magit-popup-arg-match (pattern string) (if (or (string-match-p "=$" pattern) (string-match-p "^-[A-Z]$" pattern)) (string-match (format "^%s\\(.*\\)$" pattern) string) (string-equal string pattern))) (cl-defstruct magit-popup-event key dsc arg fun use val) (defun magit-popup-event-keydsc (ev) (let ((key (magit-popup-event-key ev))) (key-description (if (vectorp key) key (vector key))))) (defun magit-popup-lookup (event type) (--first (equal (magit-popup-event-key it) event) (-filter 'magit-popup-event-p (magit-popup-get type)))) (defun magit-popup-get-args () (--mapcat (when (and (magit-popup-event-p it) (magit-popup-event-use it)) (list (format "%s%s" (magit-popup-event-arg it) (or (magit-popup-event-val it) "")))) (append (magit-popup-get :switches) (magit-popup-get :options)))) (defmacro magit-popup-convert-events (def form) (declare (indent 1) (debug (form form))) `(--map (if (or (null it) (stringp it) (functionp it)) it ,form) ,def)) (defun magit-popup-convert-switches (val def) (magit-popup-convert-events def (let ((a (nth 2 it))) (make-magit-popup-event :key (car it) :dsc (cadr it) :arg a :use (and (member a val) t) ;; For arguments implemented in lisp, this function's ;; doc-string is used by `magit-popup-help'. That is ;; the only thing it is used for. :fun (and (string-prefix-p "\+\+" a) (nth 3 it)))))) (defun magit-popup-convert-options (val def) (magit-popup-convert-events def (let* ((a (nth 2 it)) (r (format "^%s\\(.*\\)" a)) (v (--first (string-match r it) val))) (make-magit-popup-event :key (car it) :dsc (cadr it) :arg a :use (and v t) :val (and v (match-string 1 v)) :fun (or (nth 3 it) 'read-from-minibuffer))))) (defun magit-popup-convert-variables (_val def) (magit-popup-convert-events def (make-magit-popup-event :key (car it) :dsc (cadr it) :fun (nth 2 it) :arg (nth 3 it)))) (defun magit-popup-convert-actions (_val def) (magit-popup-convert-events def (make-magit-popup-event :key (car it) :dsc (cadr it) :fun (nth 2 it)))) ;;; Define (defmacro magit-define-popup (name doc &rest args) "Define a popup command named NAME. NAME should begin with the package prefix and by convention end with `-popup'. That name is used for the actual command as well as for a variable used internally. DOC is used as the doc-string of that command. Also define an option and a function named `SHORTNAME-arguments', where SHORTNAME is NAME with the trailing `-popup' removed. The name of this option and this function can be overwritten using the optional argument OPTION, but that is rarely advisable. As a special case if OPTION is specified but nil, do not define this option and this function at all. The option `SHORTNAME-arguments' holds the default value for the popup arguments. It can be customized from within the popup or using the Custom interface. The function `SHORTNAME-arguments' is a wrapper around the variable `magit-current-popup-args', both of which are intended to be used inside the `interactive' form of commands commonly invoked from the popup `NAME'. When such a command is invoked from that popup, then the function `SHORTNAME-arguments' returns the value of the variable `magit-current-popup-args'; however when the command is invoked directly, then it returns the default value of the variable `SHORTNAME-arguments'. Optional argument GROUP specifies the Custom group into which the option is placed. If omitted, then the option is placed into some group the same way it is done when directly using `defcustom' and omitting the group, except when NAME begins with \"magit-\", in which case the group `magit-git-arguments' is used. Optional argument MODE is deprecated, instead use the keyword arguments `:setup-function' and/or `:refresh-function'. If MODE is non-nil, then it specifies the mode used by the popup buffer, instead of the default, which is `magit-popup-mode'. The remaining arguments should have the form [KEYWORD VALUE]... The following keywords are meaningful (and by convention are usually specified in that order): `:actions' The actions which can be invoked from the popup. VALUE is a list whose members have the form (KEY DESC COMMAND), see `magit-define-popup-action' for details. Actions are regular Emacs commands, which usually have an `interactive' form setup to consume the values of the popup `:switches' and `:options' when invoked from the corresponding popup, else when invoked as the default action or directly without using the popup, the default value of the variable `SHORTNAME-arguments'. This is usually done by calling the function `SHORTNAME-arguments'. Members of VALUE may also be strings and functions, assuming the first member is a string or function. In that case the members are split into sections and these special elements are used as headings. If such an element is a function then it is called with no arguments and must return either a string, which is used as the heading, or nil, in which case the section is not inserted. Members of VALUE may also be nil. This should only be used together with `:max-action-columns' and allows having gaps in the action grid, which can help arranging actions sensibly. `:default-action' The default action of the popup which is used directly instead of displaying the popup buffer, when the popup is invoked with a prefix argument. Also see `magit-popup-use-prefix-argument' and `:use-prefix', which can be used to inverse the meaning of the prefix argument. `:use-prefix' Controls when to display the popup buffer and when to invoke the default action (if any) directly. This overrides the global default set using `magit-popup-use-prefix-argument'. The value, if specified, should be one of `default' or `popup', or a function that is called with no arguments and returns one of these symbols. `:max-action-columns' The maximum number of actions to display on a single line, a number or a function that returns a number and takes the name of the section currently being inserted as argument. If there isn't enough room to display as many columns as specified here, then fewer are used. `:switches' The popup arguments which can be toggled on and off. VALUE is a list whose members have the form (KEY DESC SWITCH), see `magit-define-popup-switch' for details. Members of VALUE may also be strings and functions, assuming the first member is a string or function. In that case the members are split into sections and these special elements are used as headings. If such an element is a function then it is called with no arguments and must return either a string, which is used as the heading, or nil, in which case the section is not inserted. `:options' The popup arguments which take a value, as in \"--opt=OPTVAL\". VALUE is a list whose members have the form (KEY DESC OPTION READER), see `magit-define-popup-option' for details. Members of VALUE may also be strings and functions, assuming the first member is a string or function. In that case the members are split into sections and these special elements are used as headings. If such an element is a function then it is called with no arguments and must return either a string, which is used as the heading, or nil, in which case the section is not inserted. `:default-arguments' The default arguments, a list of switches (which are then enabled by default) and options with there default values, as in \"--OPT=OPTVAL\". `:variables' Variables which can be set from the popup. VALUE is a list whose members have the form (KEY DESC COMMAND FORMATTER), see `magit-define-popup-variable' for details. Members of VALUE may also be strings and functions, assuming the first member is a string or function. In that case the members are split into sections and these special elements are used as headings. If such an element is a function then it is called with no arguments and must return either a string, which is used as the heading, or nil, in which case the section is not inserted. Members of VALUE may also be actions as described above for `:actions'. VALUE may also be a function that returns a list as describe above. `:sequence-predicate' When this function returns non-nil, then the popup uses `:sequence-actions' instead of `:actions', and does not show the `:switches' and `:options'. `:sequence-actions' The actions which can be invoked from the popup, when `:sequence-predicate' returns non-nil. `:setup-function' When this function is specified, then it is used instead of `magit-popup-default-setup'. `:refresh-function' When this function is specified, then it is used instead of calling `magit-popup-insert-section' three times with symbols `magit-popup-switch-button', `magit-popup-option-button', and finally `magit-popup-action-button' as argument. `:man-page' The name of the manpage to be displayed when the user requests help for a switch or argument. \(fn NAME DOC [GROUP [MODE [OPTION]]] :KEYWORD VALUE...)" (declare (indent defun) (doc-string 2)) (let* ((str (symbol-name name)) (grp (if (keywordp (car args)) (and (string-prefix-p "magit-" str) ''magit-git-arguments) (pop args))) (mode (and (not (keywordp (car args))) (pop args))) (opt (if (keywordp (car args)) (intern (concat (if (string-suffix-p "-popup" str) (substring str 0 -6) str) "-arguments")) (eval (pop args))))) `(progn (defun ,name (&optional arg) ,doc (interactive "P") (magit-invoke-popup ',name ,mode arg)) (defvar ,name (list :variable ',opt ,@args)) (magit-define-popup-keys-deferred ',name) ,@(when opt `((defcustom ,opt (plist-get ,name :default-arguments) "" ,@(and grp (list :group grp)) :type '(repeat (string :tag "Argument"))) (defun ,opt () (if (eq magit-current-popup ',name) magit-current-popup-args ,opt)) (put ',opt 'definition-name ',name)))))) (defun magit-define-popup-switch (popup key desc switch &optional enable at prepend) "In POPUP, define KEY as SWITCH. POPUP is a popup command defined using `magit-define-popup'. SWITCH is a string representing an argument that takes no value. KEY is a character representing the second event in the sequence of keystrokes used to toggle the argument. (The first event, the prefix, is shared among all switches, defaults to -, and can be changed in `magit-popup-mode-keymap'). DESC is a string describing the purpose of the argument, it is displayed in the popup. If optional ENABLE is non-nil, then the switch is on by default. SWITCH is inserted after all other switches already defined for POPUP, unless optional PREPEND is non-nil, in which case it is placed first. If optional AT is non-nil, then it should be the KEY of another switch already defined for POPUP, the argument is then placed before or after AT, depending on PREPEND." (declare (indent defun)) (magit-define-popup-key popup :switches key (list desc switch enable) at prepend)) (defun magit-define-popup-option (popup key desc option &optional reader value at prepend) "In POPUP, define KEY as OPTION. POPUP is a popup command defined using `magit-define-popup'. OPTION is a string representing an argument that takes a value. KEY is a character representing the second event in the sequence of keystrokes used to set the argument's value. (The first event, the prefix, is shared among all options, defaults to =, and can be changed in `magit-popup-mode-keymap'). DESC is a string describing the purpose of the argument, it is displayed in the popup. If optional VALUE is non-nil then the option is on by default, and VALUE is its default value. READER is used to read a value from the user when the option is invoked and does not currently have a value. (When the option has a value, then invoking the option causes it to be unset.) This function must take two arguments but may choose to ignore them. The first argument is the name of the option (with \": \" appended, unless it ends with \"=\") and can be used as the prompt. The second argument is nil or the value that was in effect before the option was unset, which may be suitable as initial completion input. If no reader is specified, then `read-from-minibuffer' is used. OPTION is inserted after all other options already defined for POPUP, unless optional PREPEND is non-nil, in which case it is placed first. If optional AT is non-nil, then it should be the KEY of another option already defined for POPUP, the argument is then placed before or after AT, depending on PREPEND." (declare (indent defun)) (magit-define-popup-key popup :options key (list desc option reader value) at prepend)) (defun magit-define-popup-variable (popup key desc command formatter &optional at prepend) "In POPUP, define KEY as COMMAND. POPUP is a popup command defined using `magit-define-popup'. COMMAND is a command which calls `magit-popup-set-variable'. FORMATTER is a function which calls `magit-popup-format-variable'. These two functions have to be called with the same arguments. KEY is a character representing the event used interactively call the COMMAND. DESC is the variable or a representation thereof. It's not actually used for anything. COMMAND is inserted after all other commands already defined for POPUP, unless optional PREPEND is non-nil, in which case it is placed first. If optional AT is non-nil, then it should be the KEY of another command already defined for POPUP, the command is then placed before or after AT, depending on PREPEND." (declare (indent defun)) (magit-define-popup-key popup :variables key (list desc command formatter) at prepend)) (defun magit-define-popup-action (popup key desc command &optional at prepend) "In POPUP, define KEY as COMMAND. POPUP is a popup command defined using `magit-define-popup'. COMMAND can be any command but should usually consume the popup arguments in its `interactive' form. KEY is a character representing the event used invoke the action, i.e. to interactively call the COMMAND. DESC is a string describing the purpose of the action, it is displayed in the popup. COMMAND is inserted after all other commands already defined for POPUP, unless optional PREPEND is non-nil, in which case it is placed first. If optional AT is non-nil, then it should be the KEY of another command already defined for POPUP, the command is then placed before or after AT, depending on PREPEND." (declare (indent defun)) (magit-define-popup-key popup :actions key (list desc command) at prepend)) (defun magit-define-popup-sequence-action (popup key desc command &optional at prepend) "Like `magit-define-popup-action' but for `:sequence-action'." (declare (indent defun)) (magit-define-popup-key popup :sequence-actions key (list desc command) at prepend)) (defconst magit-popup-type-plural-alist '((:switch . :switches) (:option . :options) (:variable . :variables) (:action . :actions) (:sequence-action . :sequence-actions))) (defun magit-popup-pluralize-type (type) (or (cdr (assq type magit-popup-type-plural-alist)) type)) (defun magit-define-popup-key (popup type key def &optional at prepend) "In POPUP, define KEY as an action, switch, or option. It's better to use one of the specialized functions `magit-define-popup-action', `magit-define-popup-sequence-action', `magit-define-popup-switch', `magit-define-popup-option', or `magit-define-popup-variable'." (declare (indent defun)) (setq type (magit-popup-pluralize-type type)) (if (memq type '(:switches :options :variables :actions :sequence-actions)) (if (boundp popup) (let* ((plist (symbol-value popup)) (value (plist-get plist type)) (elt (assoc key value))) (if elt (setcdr elt def) (setq elt (cons key def))) (if at (when (setq at (cl-member at value :key 'car-safe :test 'equal)) (setq value (cl-delete key value :key 'car-safe :test 'equal)) (if prepend (progn (push (car at) (cdr at)) (setcar at elt)) (push elt (cdr at)))) (setq value (cl-delete key value :key 'car-safe :test 'equal))) (unless (assoc key value) (setq value (if prepend (cons elt value) (append value (list elt))))) (set popup (plist-put plist type value))) (push (list type key def at prepend) (get popup 'magit-popup-deferred))) (error "Unknown popup event type: %s" type))) (defun magit-define-popup-keys-deferred (popup) (dolist (args (get popup 'magit-popup-deferred)) (condition-case err (apply #'magit-define-popup-key popup args) ((debug error) (display-warning 'magit (error-message-string err) :error)))) (put popup 'magit-popup-deferred nil)) (defun magit-change-popup-key (popup type from to) "In POPUP, bind TO to what FROM was bound to. TYPE is one of `:action', `:sequence-action', `:switch', or `:option'. Bind TO and unbind FROM, both are characters." (--if-let (assoc from (plist-get (symbol-value popup) (magit-popup-pluralize-type type))) (setcar it to) (message "magit-change-popup-key: FROM key %c is unbound" from))) (defun magit-remove-popup-key (popup type key) "In POPUP, remove KEY's binding of TYPE. POPUP is a popup command defined using `magit-define-popup'. TYPE is one of `:action', `:sequence-action', `:switch', or `:option'. KEY is the character which is to be unbound." (setq type (magit-popup-pluralize-type type)) (let* ((plist (symbol-value popup)) (alist (plist-get plist type)) (value (assoc key alist))) (set popup (plist-put plist type (delete value alist))))) ;;; Invoke (defvar-local magit-popup-previous-winconf nil) (defun magit-invoke-popup (popup mode arg) (let* ((def (symbol-value popup)) (val (symbol-value (plist-get def :variable))) (default (plist-get def :default-action)) (local (plist-get def :use-prefix)) (local (if (functionp local) (funcall local) local)) (use-prefix (or local magit-popup-use-prefix-argument))) (cond ((or (and (eq use-prefix 'default) arg) (and (eq use-prefix 'popup) (not arg))) (if default (let ((magit-current-popup (list popup 'default)) (magit-current-popup-args (let ((magit-this-popup popup) (magit-this-popup-events nil)) (magit-popup-default-setup val def) (magit-popup-get-args)))) (when (and arg (listp arg)) (setq current-prefix-arg (and (not (= (car arg) 4)) (list (/ (car arg) 4))))) (call-interactively default)) (message "%s has no default action; showing popup instead." popup) (magit-popup-mode-setup popup mode))) ((memq use-prefix '(default popup nil)) (magit-popup-mode-setup popup mode) (when magit-popup-show-help-echo (let ((message-log-max nil)) (message (format "[%s] show common commands, [%s] describe events, [%s] show manual" (propertize "C-t" 'face 'magit-popup-key) (propertize "?" 'face 'magit-popup-key) (propertize "C-h i" 'face 'magit-popup-key)))))) (local (error "Invalid :use-prefix popup property value: %s" use-prefix)) (t (error "Invalid magit-popup-use-prefix-argument value: %s" use-prefix))))) (defun magit-invoke-popup-switch (event) (interactive (list last-command-event)) (--if-let (magit-popup-lookup event :switches) (progn (setf (magit-popup-event-use it) (not (magit-popup-event-use it))) (magit-refresh-popup-buffer)) (user-error "%c isn't bound to any switch" event))) (defun magit-invoke-popup-option (event) (interactive (list last-command-event)) (--if-let (magit-popup-lookup event :options) (progn (if (magit-popup-event-use it) (setf (magit-popup-event-use it) nil) (let* ((arg (magit-popup-event-arg it)) (val (funcall (magit-popup-event-fun it) (concat arg (unless (string-match-p "=$" arg) ": ")) (magit-popup-event-val it)))) (setf (magit-popup-event-use it) t) (setf (magit-popup-event-val it) val))) (magit-refresh-popup-buffer)) (user-error "%c isn't bound to any option" event))) (defun magit-invoke-popup-action (event) (interactive (list last-command-event)) (let ((action (magit-popup-lookup event :actions)) (variable (magit-popup-lookup event :variables))) (when (and variable (not (magit-popup-event-arg variable))) (setq action variable) (setq variable nil)) (cond ((or action variable) (let* ((magit-current-popup magit-this-popup) (magit-current-popup-args (magit-popup-get-args)) (magit-current-pre-popup-buffer magit-pre-popup-buffer) (command (magit-popup-event-fun (or action variable))) (magit-current-popup-action command)) (when action (magit-popup-quit)) (setq this-command command) (call-interactively command) (unless action (magit-refresh-popup-buffer)))) ((eq event ?q) (magit-popup-quit) (when magit-previous-popup (magit-popup-mode-setup magit-previous-popup nil))) (t (user-error "%c isn't bound to any action" event))))) (defun magit-popup-quit () "Quit the current popup command without invoking an action." (interactive) (let ((winconf magit-popup-previous-winconf)) (if (derived-mode-p 'magit-popup-mode) (kill-buffer) (magit-popup-help-mode -1) (kill-local-variable 'magit-popup-previous-winconf)) (when winconf (set-window-configuration winconf)))) (defun magit-popup-read-number (prompt &optional default) "Like `read-number' but DEFAULT may be a numeric string." (read-number prompt (if (stringp default) (string-to-number default) default))) ;;; Save (defun magit-popup-set-default-arguments (arg) "Set default value for the arguments for the current popup. Then close the popup without invoking an action; unless a prefix argument is used in which case the popup remains open. For a popup named `NAME-popup' that usually means setting the value of the custom option `NAME-arguments'." (interactive "P") (-if-let (var (magit-popup-get :variable)) (progn (customize-set-variable var (magit-popup-get-args)) (unless arg (magit-popup-quit))) (user-error "Nothing to set"))) (defun magit-popup-save-default-arguments (arg) "Save default value for the arguments for the current popup. Then close the popup without invoking an action; unless a prefix argument is used in which case the popup remains open. For a popup named `NAME-popup' that usually means saving the value of the custom option `NAME-arguments'." (interactive "P") (-if-let (var (magit-popup-get :variable)) (progn (customize-save-variable var (magit-popup-get-args)) (unless arg (magit-popup-quit))) (user-error "Nothing to save"))) ;;; Help (defun magit-popup-toggle-show-common-commands () "Show or hide an additional section with common commands. The commands listed in this section are common to all popups and are defined in `magit-popup-mode-map' (which see)." (interactive) (setq magit-popup-show-common-commands (not magit-popup-show-common-commands)) (magit-refresh-popup-buffer) (fit-window-to-buffer)) (defun magit-popup-help () "Show help for the argument or action at point." (interactive) (let* ((man (magit-popup-get :man-page)) (key (read-key-sequence (concat "Describe key" (and man " (? for manpage)") ": "))) (int (aref key (1- (length key)))) (def (or (lookup-key (current-local-map) key t) (lookup-key (current-global-map) key)))) (pcase def (`magit-invoke-popup-switch (--if-let (magit-popup-lookup int :switches) (if (and (string-prefix-p "++" (magit-popup-event-arg it)) (magit-popup-event-fun it)) (magit-popup-describe-function (magit-popup-event-fun it)) (magit-popup-manpage man it)) (user-error "%c isn't bound to any switch" int))) (`magit-invoke-popup-option (--if-let (magit-popup-lookup int :options) (if (and (string-prefix-p "++" (magit-popup-event-arg it)) (magit-popup-event-fun it)) (magit-popup-describe-function (magit-popup-event-fun it)) (magit-popup-manpage man it)) (user-error "%c isn't bound to any option" int))) (`magit-popup-help (magit-popup-manpage man nil)) ((or `self-insert-command `magit-invoke-popup-action) (setq def (or (magit-popup-lookup int :actions) (magit-popup-lookup int :variables))) (if def (magit-popup-describe-function (magit-popup-event-fun def)) (ding) (message nil))) (`nil (ding) (message nil)) (_ (magit-popup-describe-function def))))) (defun magit-popup-manpage (topic arg) (unless topic (user-error "No man page associated with %s" (magit-popup-get :man-page))) (when arg (setq arg (magit-popup-event-arg arg)) (when (string-prefix-p "--" arg) ;; handle '--' option and the '--[no-]' shorthand (setq arg (cond ((string= "-- " arg) "\\(?:\\[--\\] \\)?<[^[:space:]]+>\\.\\.\\.") ((string-prefix-p "--no-" arg) (concat "--" "\\[?no-\\]?" (substring arg 5))) (t (concat "--" "\\(?:\\[no-\\]\\)?" (substring arg 2))))))) (let ((winconf (current-window-configuration)) buffer) (pcase magit-popup-manpage-package (`woman (delete-other-windows) (split-window-below) (with-no-warnings ; display-buffer-function is obsolete (let ((display-buffer-alist nil) (display-buffer-function nil) (display-buffer-overriding-action nil)) (woman topic))) (setq buffer (current-buffer))) (`man (cl-letf (((symbol-function #'fboundp) (lambda (_) nil))) (setq buffer (man topic))) (delete-other-windows) (split-window-below) (set-window-buffer (selected-window) buffer))) (with-current-buffer buffer (setq magit-popup-previous-winconf winconf) (magit-popup-help-mode) (fit-window-to-buffer (next-window)) (if (and arg (Man-find-section "OPTIONS") (let ((case-fold-search nil) ;; This matches preceding/proceeding options. ;; Options such as '-a', '-S[]', and ;; '--grep=' are matched by this regex ;; without the shy group. The '. ' in the shy ;; group is for options such as '-m ;; parent-number', and the '-[^[:space:]]+ ' is ;; for options such as '--mainline parent-number' (others "-\\(?:. \\|-[^[:space:]]+ \\)?[^[:space:]]+")) (re-search-forward ;; should start with whitespace, and may have any ;; number of options before/after (format "^[\t\s]+\\(?:%s, \\)*?\\(?1:%s\\)%s\\(?:, %s\\)*$" others ;; options don't necessarily end in an '=' ;; (e.g., '--gpg-sign[=]') (string-remove-suffix "=" arg) ;; Simple options don't end in an '='. ;; Splitting this into 2 cases should make ;; getting false positives less likely. (if (string-suffix-p "=" arg) ;; [^[:space:]]*[^.[:space:]] matches ;; the option value, which is usually ;; after the option name and either '=' ;; or '[='. The value can't end in a ;; period, as that means it's being used ;; at the end of a sentence. The space ;; is for options such as '--mainline ;; parent-number'. "\\(?: \\|\\[?=\\)[^[:space:]]*[^.[:space:]]" ;; Either this doesn't match anything ;; (e.g., '-a'), or the option is followed ;; by a value delimited by a '[', '<', or ;; ':'. A space might appear before this ;; value, as in '-f '. The space ;; alternative is for options such as '-m ;; parent-number'. "\\(?:\\(?: \\| ?[\\[<:]\\)[^[:space:]]*[^.[:space:]]\\)?") others) nil t))) (goto-char (match-beginning 1)) (goto-char (point-min)))))) (defun magit-popup-describe-function (function) (let ((winconf (current-window-configuration))) (delete-other-windows) (split-window-below) (other-window 1) (with-no-warnings ; display-buffer-function is obsolete (let ((display-buffer-alist '(("" display-buffer-use-some-window))) (display-buffer-function nil) (display-buffer-overriding-action nil) (help-window-select nil)) (describe-function function))) (fit-window-to-buffer) (other-window 1) (setq magit-popup-previous-winconf winconf) (magit-popup-help-mode))) (defun magit-popup-info () "Show the popup manual." (interactive) (let ((winconf (current-window-configuration))) (delete-other-windows) (split-window-below) (info "(magit-popup.info)Usage") (magit-popup-help-mode) (setq magit-popup-previous-winconf winconf)) (magit-popup-help-mode) (fit-window-to-buffer (next-window))) (define-minor-mode magit-popup-help-mode "Auxiliary minor mode used to restore previous window configuration. When some sort of help buffer is created from within a popup, then this minor mode is turned on in that buffer, so that when the user quits it, the previous window configuration is also restored." :keymap '(([remap Man-quit] . magit-popup-quit) ([remap Info-exit] . magit-popup-quit) ([remap quit-window] . magit-popup-quit))) ;;; Modes (define-derived-mode magit-popup-mode fundamental-mode "MagitPopup" "Major mode for infix argument popups." :mode 'magit-popup (setq truncate-lines t) (setq buffer-read-only t) (setq-local scroll-margin 0) (setq-local magit-popup-show-common-commands magit-popup-show-common-commands) (hack-dir-local-variables-non-file-buffer)) (put 'magit-popup-mode 'mode-class 'special) (defun magit-popup-default-setup (val def) (if (--when-let (magit-popup-get :sequence-predicate) (funcall it)) (magit-popup-put :actions (magit-popup-convert-actions val (magit-popup-get :sequence-actions))) (let ((vars (plist-get def :variables))) (when (functionp vars) (setq vars (funcall vars))) (when vars (magit-popup-put :variables (magit-popup-convert-variables val vars)))) (magit-popup-put :switches (magit-popup-convert-switches val (plist-get def :switches))) (magit-popup-put :options (magit-popup-convert-options val (plist-get def :options))) (magit-popup-put :actions (magit-popup-convert-actions val (plist-get def :actions))))) (defun magit-popup-mode-setup (popup mode) (setq magit-previous-popup magit-current-popup) (let ((val (symbol-value (plist-get (symbol-value popup) :variable))) (def (symbol-value popup)) (buf (current-buffer))) (magit-popup-mode-display-buffer (get-buffer-create (format "*%s*" popup)) (or mode 'magit-popup-mode)) (setq magit-this-popup popup) (setq magit-pre-popup-buffer buf) (if (bound-and-true-p magit-popup-setup-hook) ; obsolete (run-hook-with-args 'magit-popup-setup-hook val def) (funcall (or (magit-popup-get :setup-function) 'magit-popup-default-setup) val def))) (magit-refresh-popup-buffer) (fit-window-to-buffer nil nil (line-number-at-pos (point-max)))) (defun magit-popup-mode-display-buffer (buffer mode) (let ((winconf (current-window-configuration))) (select-window (display-buffer buffer magit-popup-display-buffer-action)) (funcall mode) (setq magit-popup-previous-winconf winconf))) (defvar magit-refresh-popup-buffer-hook nil "Hook run by `magit-refresh-popup-buffer'. The hook is run right after inserting the representation of the popup events but before optionally inserting the representation of events shared by all popups and before point is adjusted.") (defun magit-refresh-popup-buffer () (let* ((inhibit-read-only t) (button (button-at (point))) (prefix (and button (button-get button 'prefix))) (event (and button (button-get button 'event)))) (erase-buffer) (save-excursion (--if-let (magit-popup-get :refresh-function) (funcall it) (magit-popup-insert-section 'magit-popup-variable-button) (magit-popup-insert-section 'magit-popup-switch-button) (magit-popup-insert-section 'magit-popup-option-button) (magit-popup-insert-section 'magit-popup-action-button)) (run-hooks 'magit-refresh-popup-buffer-hook) (when magit-popup-show-common-commands (magit-popup-insert-command-section 'magit-popup-internal-command-button magit-popup-common-commands))) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (when event (while (and (ignore-errors (forward-button 1)) (let ((b (button-at (point)))) (or (not (equal (button-get b 'prefix) prefix)) (not (equal (button-get b 'event) event))))))))) ;;; Draw (defvar magit-popup-min-padding 3 "Minimal amount of whitespace between columns in popup buffers.") (defun magit-popup-insert-section (type &optional spec heading) (if (not spec) (progn (setq spec (magit-popup-get (button-type-get type 'property))) (when spec (if (or (stringp (car spec)) (functionp (car spec))) (--each (--partition-by-header (or (stringp it) (functionp it)) spec) (magit-popup-insert-section type (cdr it) (car it))) (magit-popup-insert-section type spec)))) (let* ((formatter (button-type-get type 'formatter)) (items (mapcar (lambda (ev) (and ev (or (funcall formatter type ev) '("")))) (or spec (magit-popup-get (button-type-get type 'property))))) (maxcols (button-type-get type 'maxcols)) (pred (magit-popup-get :sequence-predicate))) (when items (if (functionp heading) (when (setq heading (funcall heading)) (insert heading ?\n)) (unless heading (setq heading (button-type-get type 'heading))) (insert (propertize heading 'face 'magit-popup-heading)) (unless (string-match "\n$" heading) (insert "\n"))) (if (and pred (funcall pred)) (setq maxcols nil) (cl-typecase maxcols (keyword (setq maxcols (magit-popup-get maxcols))) (symbol (setq maxcols (symbol-value maxcols))))) (when (functionp maxcols) (setq maxcols (funcall maxcols heading))) (when heading (let ((colwidth (+ (apply 'max (mapcar (lambda (e) (length (car e))) items)) magit-popup-min-padding))) (dolist (item items) (unless (bolp) (let ((padding (- colwidth (% (current-column) colwidth)))) (if (and (< (+ (current-column) padding colwidth) (window-width)) (< (ceiling (/ (current-column) (* colwidth 1.0))) (or maxcols 1000))) (insert (make-string padding ?\s)) (insert "\n")))) (unless (equal item '("")) (if item (apply 'insert-button item) (insert ?\s))))) (insert (if (= (char-before) ?\n) "\n" "\n\n"))))))) (defun magit-popup-format-argument-button (type ev) (list (format-spec (button-type-get type 'format) `((?k . ,(propertize (concat (--when-let (button-type-get type 'prefix) (char-to-string it)) (magit-popup-event-keydsc ev)) 'face 'magit-popup-key)) (?d . ,(magit-popup-event-dsc ev)) (?a . ,(propertize (magit-popup-event-arg ev) 'face (if (magit-popup-event-use ev) 'magit-popup-argument 'magit-popup-disabled-argument))) (?v . ,(let ((val (magit-popup-event-val ev))) (if (and (magit-popup-event-use ev) (not (equal val ""))) (propertize (format "\"%s\"" val) 'face 'magit-popup-option-value) ""))))) 'type type 'event (magit-popup-event-key ev))) (defun magit-popup-format-variable-button (type ev) (if (not (magit-popup-event-arg ev)) (magit-popup-format-action-button 'magit-popup-action-button ev) (list (format-spec (button-type-get type 'format) `((?k . ,(propertize (magit-popup-event-keydsc ev) 'face 'magit-popup-key)) (?d . ,(funcall (magit-popup-event-arg ev))))) 'type type 'event (magit-popup-event-key ev)))) (defun magit-popup-format-action-button (type ev) (let* ((cmd (magit-popup-event-fun ev)) (dsc (magit-popup-event-dsc ev)) (fun (and (functionp dsc) dsc))) (unless (and disabled-command-function (symbolp cmd) (get cmd 'disabled)) (when fun (setq dsc (-when-let (branch (funcall fun)) (if (text-property-not-all 0 (length branch) 'face nil branch) branch (magit-branch-set-face branch))))) (when dsc (list (format-spec (button-type-get type 'format) `((?k . ,(propertize (magit-popup-event-keydsc ev) 'face 'magit-popup-key)) (?d . ,dsc) (?D . ,(if (and (not fun) (eq cmd (magit-popup-get :default-action))) (propertize dsc 'face 'bold) dsc)))) 'type type 'event (magit-popup-event-key ev)))))) (defun magit-popup-insert-command-section (type spec) (magit-popup-insert-section type (mapcar (lambda (elt) (list (car (where-is-internal (cadr elt) (current-local-map))) (car elt))) spec))) (defun magit-popup-format-command-button (type elt) (nconc (magit-popup-format-action-button type (make-magit-popup-event :key (car elt) :dsc (cadr elt))) (list 'function (lookup-key (current-local-map) (car elt))))) ;;; Utilities (defun magit-popup-import-file-args (args files) (if files (cons (concat "-- " (mapconcat #'identity files ",")) args) args)) (defun magit-popup-export-file-args (args) (let ((files (--first (string-prefix-p "-- " it) args))) (when files (setq args (remove files args)) (setq files (split-string (substring files 3) ","))) (list args files))) (defconst magit-popup-font-lock-keywords (eval-when-compile `((,(concat "(\\(magit-define-popup\\)\\_>" "[ \t'\(]*" "\\(\\(?:\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\)?") (1 'font-lock-keyword-face) (2 'font-lock-function-name-face nil t))))) (font-lock-add-keywords 'emacs-lisp-mode magit-popup-font-lock-keywords) ;;; _ (provide 'magit-popup) ;; Local Variables: ;; indent-tabs-mode: nil ;; End: ;;; magit-popup.el ends here