This package is an Emacs minor mode and allows you to edit one occurrence of some text in a buffer (possibly narrowed) or region, and simultaneously have other occurrences edited in the same way. Normal scenario of iedit-mode is like: - Highlight certain contents - by press C-; (The default key binding) All occurrences of a symbol, string in the buffer or a region may be highlighted corresponding to current mark, point and prefix argument. Refer to the document of `iedit-mode' for details. - Edit one of the occurrences The change is applied to other occurrences simultaneously. - Finish - by pressing C-; again You can also use Iedit mode as a quick way to temporarily show only the buffer lines that match the current text being edited. This gives you the effect of a temporary `keep-lines' or `occur'. To get this effect, hit C-' when in Iedit mode - it toggles hiding non-matching lines. Renaming refactoring is convenient in Iedit mode - The symbol under point is selected as occurrence by default and only complete symbols are matched - With digit prefix argument 0, only symbols in current function are matched - Restricting symbols in current region can be done by pressing C-; again - Last renaming refactoring is remembered and can be applied to other buffers later There are also some other facilities you may never think about. Refer to the document of function `iedit-mode' (C-h f iedit-mode RET) for more details. The code was developed and fully tested on Gnu Emacs 24.0.93, partially tested on Gnu Emacs 22. If you have any compatible problem, please let me know. Contributors Adam Lindberg added a case sensitivity option that can be toggled. Tassilo Horn added an option to match only complete words, not inside words Le Wang proposed to match only complete symbols, not inside symbols, contributed rectangle support