;;; toolbar-x.el --- fancy toolbar handling in Emacs -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2004-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of ;; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be ;; useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ;; warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ;; PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public ;; License along with this program; if not, write to the Free ;; Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, ;; MA 02110-1301 USA ;;; Author: Miguel Vinicius Santini Frasson ;;; Commentary: ;; This program implements a common interface to display toolbar ;; buttons. A toolbar should be basically ;; defined by a image and a command to run when the button is pressed, ;; and additional properties could be added. This is the idea of this ;; program. See the documentation of function ;; `toolbarx-install-toolbar' for a description of how to specify ;; toolbars. ;;; Features: ;; * Button properties are given in the toolbar definition (BUTTON ;; paramenter in `toolbarx-install-toolbar') and/or in an alist with ;; associates the symbol with properties (MEANING-ALIST paramenter in ;; `toolbarx-install-toolbar'). ;; * Supported properties: ;; - `:insert', `:image', `:command', `:help', `:enable', ;; `:append-command', `:prepend-command', ;; `:visible' and `:button'; ;; For the precise value-type for each property, see documentation of ;; the function `toolbarx-install-toolbar'. ;; (ps: properties that are particular to an editor are just ignored ;; the other editor flavour.) ;; * Properties can have value specified by function (with no ;; argument) or variables that evaluate to an object of the correct ;; type for a particular property. The evaluation is done when the ;; roolbar is refresh (a call of `toolbarx-refresh'.) ;; (ps: this is valid only for properties that *not* have \`form\' as ;; value type.) ;; * On `refresh time' (a call `toolbarx-refresh', necessary when the ;; toolbar should change), the `:insert' property (if present) is ;; evaluated to decide if button will be displayed. ;; Properties can be distributed to several buttons, using \`groups\'. ;; Example: (foo (bar baz :enable (mytest)) :help "please") ;; means that `foo', `bar' and `baz' have `:help "please"' and `bar' and ;; `baz' have the property `:enable (mytest)'. ;; * (Part of) the toolbar definition can be stored in a variable, ;; evaluated in `installation time'. See `:eval-group' on the ;; documentation of the function `toolbarx-install-toolbar'. ;; * It is possible to define sets of buttons that appear according to ;; an option selected in a dropdown menu. See `:dropdown-group' on ;; the documentation of the function `toolbarx-install-toolbar'. ;;; Rough description of the implementation ;; There are 2 \`engines\' implemented: ;; == the 1st one (parsing) parses the toolbar definition ;; independently of editor flavour and store the parsed buttons with ;; their properties, in the same order that they appear in the ;; definitions, in a variable `toolbarx-internal-button-switches'; ;; == the 2nd one (refresh for Emacs) inserts buttons in the Emacs ;; toolbar in the same order that they appear in the definitions; ;; if a (real) button does not have at least (valid) image ;; and command properties, they are silently ignored; ;;; History: ;; This program was motivated by the intention of implementation of a ;; good toolbar for AUCTeX, that would work in both Emacs and XEmacs. ;; Since toolbars were very different in behaviour and implementation ;; (for instance, in Emacs one can display as many toolbar buttons as ;; wanted, because it becomes mult-line, and in XEmacs, there is one ;; line, but toolbars and all sides of a frame.) ;;; Code: (eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib)) ;; Note that this just gives a useful default. Icons are expected to ;; be in subdirectory "images" or "toolbar" relative to the load-path. ;; Packages loading toolbarx are advised to explicitly add their own ;; searchpath with add-to-list here even when they fulfill that ;; criterion: another package might have loaded toolbar-x previously ;; when load-path was not yet correctly set. The default setting ;; really caters only for toolbar-x' stock icons. (defvar toolbarx-image-path (nconc (delq nil (mapcar #'(lambda(x) (and x (member (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name x)) '("toolbar" "images")) ;;(file-directory-p x) x)) load-path)) (list data-directory)) "List of directories where toolbarx finds its images.") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; First engine: Parsing buttons ;; it obtains button information, process it and stores result in ;; `toolbarx-internal-button-switches', which is a list with 1st ;; element the symbol `:switches', the 2nd element as a list of ;; processed buttons, and the 3rd element is used for Emacs to store ;; the keys used in ``constant'' buttons. ;; The 2nd element of `toolbarx-internal-button-switches' is a list ;; where each element is either: ;; * a button-list, that is, a list with elements to define a button. ;; * a list where 1st elem is `:insert' and 2nd is a form, and the ;; following elements are in the same format of the 2nd element of ;; `toolbarx-internal-button-switches'. (defun toolbarx-make-string-from-symbol (symbol) "Return a string from the name of a SYMBOL. Upcase initials and replace dashes by spaces." (let* ((str (upcase-initials (symbol-name symbol))) (str2)) (dolist (i (append str nil)) (if (eq i 45) ; if dash, push space (push 32 str2) (push i str2))) ; else push identical (concat (nreverse str2)))) (defun toolbarx-make-symbol-from-string (string) "Return a (intern) symbol from STRING. Downcase string and replace spaces by dashes." (let* ((str1 (append (downcase string) nil)) (str2)) (dolist (i str1) (if (eq i 32) ; if dash, push space (push 45 str2) (push i str2))) (intern (concat (nreverse str2))))) (defun toolbarx-good-option-list-p (option-list valid-options) "Non-nil means the OPTION-LIST is of form (OPT FORM ... OPT FORM). Each OPT is member of VALID-OPTIONS and OPT are pairwise different. OPTION-LIST equal to nil is a good option list." (let ((elt-in-valid t) (temp-opt-list option-list) (list-diff) (n (/ (length option-list) 2))) (dotimes (i n) (when (> i 0) (setq temp-opt-list (cddr temp-opt-list))) (cl-pushnew (car temp-opt-list) list-diff :test #'equal) (setq elt-in-valid (and elt-in-valid (memq (car temp-opt-list) valid-options)))) (and elt-in-valid ; options are on VALID-OPTOPNS ;; OPTION-LIST has all option different from each other (eq (length list-diff) n) ;; OPTION-LIST has even number of elements (eq (% (length option-list) 2) 0)))) (defun toolbarx-separate-options (group-list valid-options &optional check) "Return a cons cell with non-options and options of GROUP-LIST. The options-part is the largest tail of the list GROUP-LIST that has an element of VALID-OPTIONS (the comparation is made with `memq'.) The non-options-part is the beginning of GROUP-LIST less its tail. Return a cons cell which `car' is the non-options-part and the `cdr' is the options-part. If CHECK is non-nil, the tail is the largest that yield non-nil when applied to `toolbarx-good-option-list-p'." (let ((maximal) (temp)) (dolist (i valid-options) (setq temp (memq i group-list)) (when (and (> (length temp) (length maximal)) (if check (toolbarx-good-option-list-p temp valid-options) t)) (setq maximal (memq i group-list)))) (cons (butlast group-list (length maximal)) maximal))) (defun toolbarx-merge-props (inner-props outer-props override add) "Merge property lists INNER-PROPS and OUTER-PROPS. INNER-PROPS and OUTER-PROPS are two lists in the format (PROP VAL PROP VAL ... PROP VAL). Returns a list with properties and values merged. OVERRIDE and ADD are supposed to be lists of symbols. The value of a property in OVERRIDE is the one on OUTER-PROPS or INNER-PROPS, but if the property is in both, the value in INNER-PROPS is used. The value of a property in ADD will be a list with first element the symbol `:add-value-list' and the rest are the properties, inner properties first." (let* ((merged) (inner-prop) (outer-prop)) (dolist (prop override) (if (memq prop inner-props) (setq merged (append merged (list prop (cadr (memq prop inner-props))))) (when (memq prop outer-props) (setq merged (append merged (list prop (cadr (memq prop outer-props)))))))) (dolist (prop add merged) (setq inner-prop (memq prop inner-props)) (when inner-prop (if (and (listp (cadr inner-prop)) (eq (car (cadr inner-prop)) :add-value-list)) (setq inner-prop (cdr (cadr inner-prop))) (setq inner-prop (list (cadr inner-prop))))) (setq outer-prop (memq prop outer-props)) (when outer-prop (if (and (listp (cadr outer-prop)) (eq (car (cadr outer-prop)) :add-value-list)) (setq outer-prop (cdr (cadr outer-prop))) (setq outer-prop (list (cadr outer-prop))))) (when (append inner-prop outer-prop) (setq merged (append merged (list prop (cons :add-value-list (append inner-prop outer-prop))))))))) (defun toolbarx-make-command (comm prep app) "Return a command made from COMM, PREP and APP. COMM is a command or a form. PREP and APP are forms. If PREP or APP are non-nil, they are added to the resulting command at the beginning and end, respectively. If both are nil and COMM is a command, COMM is returned." (let ((comm-is-command (commandp comm))) (if (and (not prep) (not app) comm-is-command) comm (lambda () (interactive) (let (result) (when prep (setq result (eval prep t))) (when comm (setq result (if comm-is-command (call-interactively comm) (eval comm t)))) (when app (setq result (eval app t))) result))))) (defun toolbarx-emacs-mount-popup-menu (strings var type &optional title save) "Return an interactive `lambda'-expression that shows a popup menu. This function is the action of `toolbarx-mount-popup-menu' if inside Emacs. See documentation of that function for more." ;; making the menu keymap by adding each menu-item definition ;; see (info "(elisp)Menu keymaps") (let* ((keymap (make-sparse-keymap title)) (count 1) (used-symbols '(nil)) (key) (real-type (pcase type ((or `toggle `radio) type) ;; Warn if type is not `radio' or `toggle'. (_ (display-warning 'toolbarx (format "TYPE should be symbols `radio' or `toggle', but %s found; using `radio'" type)) ;; Use `radio' if incorrect. 'radio))) (real-save (pcase save ((or `nil `offer `always) save) ;; Warn if save is not `nil', `offer' or ;; `always'. (_ (display-warning 'toolbarx (format "SAVE should be symbols `nil', `offer' or `always', but %s found; using `nil'" save)) ;; Use nil when incorrect. nil)))) (dolist (i strings) ;; finding a new symbol (let* ((aux-count 0) (i-symb (toolbarx-make-symbol-from-string i))) (setq key i-symb) (while (memq key used-symbols) (setq aux-count (1+ aux-count)) (setq key (intern (format "%s-%d" i-symb aux-count)))) (setq used-symbols (cons key used-symbols))) (define-key-after keymap (vector key) `(menu-item ,i ,(let ((count count)) (lambda () (interactive) (set var (if (eq real-type 'radio) count (if (memq count (symbol-value var)) (delete count (symbol-value var)) (sort (cons count (symbol-value var)) #'<)))) (toolbarx-refresh) (when (eq real-save 'always) (customize-save-variable var (symbol-value var))) (symbol-value var))) :button ,(if (eq real-type 'radio) `(:radio eq ,var ,count) `(:toggle memq ,count ,var)))) (setq count (1+ count))) (when (eq real-save 'offer) (define-key-after keymap [sep] '(menu-item "--shadow-etched-in-dash")) (let* ((aux-count 0) (i-symb 'custom-save)) (setq key i-symb) (while (memq key used-symbols) (setq aux-count (1+ aux-count)) (setq key (intern (format "%s-%d" i-symb aux-count)))) (setq used-symbols (cons key used-symbols))) (define-key-after keymap (vector key) `(menu-item "Save state of this menu" (lambda nil (interactive) (customize-save-variable (quote ,var) ,var))))) ;; returns a `lambda'-expression (lambda () (interactive) (popup-menu keymap)))) (defun toolbarx-mount-popup-menu (strings var type &optional title save) "Return a command that show a popup menu. The return is a `lambda'-expression with a interactive declaration. STRINGS is a list of strings which will be the itens of the menu. VAR is a symbol that is set when an item is clicked. TYPE should be one of the symbols `radio' or `toggle': `radio' means that the nth item is selected if VAR is `n' and this item sets VAR to `n'; `toggle' means that VAR should be a list of integers and the nth item is selected if `n' belongs to VAR. The item inserts or deletes `n' from VAR. TITLE is a string (the title of the popup menu) or nil for no title. SAVE is one of the symbols nil, `offer' or `always'. If value is nil, do not try to save anything. If it is `offer', a menu item is added offering the user the possibiity to save state of that dropdown menu for future sesseions (using `custom'). If it is `always', state is saved every time that a item is clicked." (toolbarx-emacs-mount-popup-menu strings var type title save)) (defun toolbarx-option-value (opt) "If OPT is a vector, return first element, otherwise, return OPT. If OPT is vector and length is smaller than the necessary, then nil is returned." ;; FIXME: This is backward compatibility for when we supported XEmacs ;; and entries could take the shape [FOO BAR] where FOO was the ;; value to use for Emacs and BAR the value to use for XEmacs. ;; This is unused since Mar 2021. (if (vectorp opt) (when (> (length opt) 0) (aref opt 0)) opt)) (defun toolbarx-eval-function-or-symbol (object type-test-func) "Return a cons cell (GOOD-OBJ . VAL). GOOD-OBJ non-nil means that VAL is a valid value, according to the car of the result of TYPE-TEST-FUNCTION, that should return a cons cell in the same format as the return of this function. If OBJECT applied to TYPE-TEST-FUNC return (GOOD-OBJ . VAL), and GOOD-OBJ is non-nil, return that. Else, check if OBJECT is a function. If so, evaluate and test again with TYPE-TEST-FUNC. If not a function or if GOOD-OBJ is again nil, test if OBJECT is a bound symbol, evaluate that and return the result of TYPE-TEST-FUNC." (let* ((ret (funcall type-test-func object))) (unless (car ret) (if (functionp object) (progn (setq ret (funcall type-test-func (funcall object))) (unless (car ret) (when (and (symbolp object) (boundp object)) (setq ret (funcall type-test-func (symbol-value object)))))) ;; ok, obj is not function; try symbol (when (and (symbolp object) (boundp object)) (setq ret (funcall type-test-func (symbol-value object)))))) ret)) (defun toolbarx-test-image-type (obj) "Return a cons cell (GOOD-OBJ . VAL). GOOD-OBJ is non-nil if OBJ yields a valid image object VAL (see documentation of function `toolbarx-process-symbol')." (let ((toolbarx-test-image-type-simple (lambda (img) (let* ((val (toolbarx-option-value img)) (all-obj-ok t) (good-obj (or (stringp val) ; string (eq (car-safe val) 'image) ; or image descriptor (and (symbolp val) ; or a symbol bound to a (boundp val) ; image descriptor ; (defined with `defimage') (consp (symbol-value val)) (eq (car (symbol-value val)) 'image)) (and (listp val) ; or list with 4 strings or ; image descriptors (= (length val) 4) (dolist (i val all-obj-ok) (setq all-obj-ok (and all-obj-ok (or (stringp i) (eq (car-safe i) 'image))))))))) (cons good-obj val))))) (toolbarx-eval-function-or-symbol obj toolbarx-test-image-type-simple))) (defun toolbarx-test-button-type (obj) "Return a cons cell (GOOD-OBJ . VAL). GOOD-OBJ is non-nil if OBJ yields a valid button object VAL (see documentation of function `toolbarx-process-symbol')." (let ((toolbarx-test-button-type-simple (lambda (but) (let* ((val (toolbarx-option-value but)) (good-obj (and (consp val) (memq (car val) '(:toggle :radio))))) (cons good-obj val))))) (toolbarx-eval-function-or-symbol obj toolbarx-test-button-type-simple))) (defun toolbarx-test-any-type (obj) "Return a cons cell (t . VAL). If OBJ is vector, return VAL according to editor. Else, return OBJ, because it is a form anyway." (cons t (toolbarx-option-value obj))) (defun toolbarx-test-string-or-nil (obj) "Return a cons cell (GOOD-OBJ . VAL). GOOD-OBJ is non-nil if OBJ yields a valid help object VAL (see documentation of function `toolbarx-process-symbol')." (let ((toolbarx-test-string-or-nil-simple (lambda (obj) (let* ((val (toolbarx-option-value obj)) (good-obj (or (stringp val) (not val)))) (cons good-obj val))))) (toolbarx-eval-function-or-symbol obj toolbarx-test-string-or-nil-simple))) (defun toolbarx-test-toolbar-type (obj) "Return a cons cell (GOOD-OBJ . VAL). GOOD-OBJ is non-nil if OBJ yields a valid toolbar property object VAL (see documentation of function `toolbarx-process-symbol')." (let ((toolbarx-test-toolbar-type-simple (lambda (obj) (let* ((val (toolbarx-option-value obj)) ;; (all-but-def-opts '(top bottom left right)) ;; (all-opts '(default top bottom left right)) ;; (good-obj t) ) (cons t val))))) (toolbarx-eval-function-or-symbol obj toolbarx-test-toolbar-type-simple))) (defun toolbarx-test-dropdown-type (obj) "Return a cons cell (GOOD-OBJ . VAL). GOOD-OBJ is non-nil if OBJ yields a valid `:type' property object VAL of a dropdown group (see documentation of function `toolbarx-process-dropdown-group'." (let ((toolbarx-test-dropdown-type-simple (lambda (obj) (let* ((val (toolbarx-option-value obj)) (good-obj (memq val '(radio toggle)))) (cons good-obj val))))) (toolbarx-eval-function-or-symbol obj toolbarx-test-dropdown-type-simple))) (defun toolbarx-test-symbol (obj) "Return a cons cell (GOOD-OBJ . VAL). GOOD-OBJ is non-nil if OBJ yields a valid `:variable' property object VAL of a dropdown group (see documentation of function `toolbarx-process-dropdown-group'." (let ((toolbarx-test-symbol-simple (lambda (obj) (let* ((val (toolbarx-option-value obj)) (good-obj (symbolp val))) (cons good-obj val))))) (toolbarx-eval-function-or-symbol obj toolbarx-test-symbol-simple))) (defun toolbarx-test-dropdown-default (obj) "Return a cons cell (GOOD-OBJ . VAL). GOOD-OBJ is non-nil if OBJ yields a valid `:default' property object VAL of a dropdown group (see documentation of function `toolbarx-process-dropdown-group'." (let ((toolbarx-test-dropdown-default-simple (lambda (obj) (let* ((val (toolbarx-option-value obj)) (good-obj (or (integerp val) (and (listp val) (let ((ok t)) (dolist (i val ok) (setq ok (and ok (integerp i))))))))) (cons good-obj val))))) (toolbarx-eval-function-or-symbol obj toolbarx-test-dropdown-default-simple))) (defun toolbarx-test-dropdown-save (obj) "Return a cons cell (GOOD-OBJ . VAL). GOOD-OBJ is non-nil if OBJ yields a valid `:save' property object VAL of a dropdown group (see documentation of function `toolbarx-process-dropdown-group'." (let ((toolbarx-test-dropdown-save-simple (lambda (obj) (let* ((val (toolbarx-option-value obj)) (good-obj (memq val '(nil offer always)))) (cons good-obj val))))) (toolbarx-eval-function-or-symbol obj toolbarx-test-dropdown-save-simple))) (defconst toolbarx-button-props (let* ((props-types-alist '((:image toolbarx-test-image-type) (:command toolbarx-test-any-type) (:enable toolbarx-test-any-type) (:visible toolbarx-test-any-type) (:help toolbarx-test-string-or-nil) (:insert toolbarx-test-any-type . and) ;; (:toolbar toolbarx-test-toolbar-type) (:button toolbarx-test-button-type) (:append-command toolbarx-test-any-type . progn) (:prepend-command toolbarx-test-any-type . progn))) (possible-props (nreverse (let* ((props ())) (dolist (p props-types-alist props) (setq props (cons (car p) props)))))) (props-override (nreverse (let* ((props ())) (dolist (p props-types-alist props) (unless (cddr p) (setq props (cons (car p) props))))))) (props-add (nreverse (let* ((props ())) (dolist (p props-types-alist props) (when (cddr p) (setq props (cons (car p) props)))))))) (list props-types-alist possible-props props-override props-add)) "List yielding all encarnations of properties of a button. First element: alist, where each element is of form (PROP . (TYPE-TEST-FUNCTION . ADD-OR-NIL)) Second is a list with all properties. Third, a list with properties that override when merging. Fourth, a list of lists, each in the format (PROP ADD).") (defconst toolbarx-dropdown-props ;; for naming dropdown properties see `Convention' in the doc string (let* ((props-types-alist '((:type toolbarx-test-dropdown-type) (:variable toolbarx-test-symbol) (:default toolbarx-test-dropdown-default) (:save toolbarx-test-dropdown-save) (:title toolbarx-test-string-or-nil) (:dropdown-image toolbarx-test-image-type) (:dropdown-enable toolbarx-test-any-type) (:dropdown-visible toolbarx-test-any-type) (:dropdown-insert toolbarx-test-any-type . and) (:dropdown-help toolbarx-test-string-or-nil) ;; (:dropdown-toolbar toolbarx-test-toolbar-type) (:dropdown-append-command toolbarx-test-any-type . progn) (:dropdown-prepend-command toolbarx-test-any-type . progn))) (possible-props (nreverse (let* ((props ())) (dolist (p props-types-alist props) (setq props (cons (car p) props)))))) (props-override (nreverse (let* ((props ())) (dolist (p props-types-alist props) (unless (cddr p) (setq props (cons (car p) props))))))) (props-add (nreverse (let* ((props ())) (dolist (p props-types-alist props) (when (cddr p) (setq props (cons (car p) props)))))))) (list props-types-alist possible-props props-override props-add)) "List yielding all encarnations of properties of a dropdown group. First element: alist, where each element is of form (PROP . (TYPE-TEST-FUNCTION . ADD-OR-NIL)) Second is a list with all properties. Third, a list with properties that override when merging. Fourth, a list of lists, each in the format (PROP ADD). Convention: properties for the dropdown button should be formed with the strings \":dropdown-\" with the button property name without `:'. This is used on the implementation.") (defun toolbarx-process-group-without-insert (group-without-props merged-props-without-insert meaning-alist switches) "Return an updated version of SWITCHES. GROUP-WITHOUT-PROPS and MERGED-PROPS-WITHOUT-INSERT are preprocessed variables in `toolbarx-process-group'." (let ((current-switches switches)) (dolist (i group-without-props current-switches) (setq i (toolbarx-option-value i)) (if (symbolp i) (setq current-switches (toolbarx-process-symbol i meaning-alist merged-props-without-insert current-switches)) (when (listp i) (setq current-switches (toolbarx-process-group i meaning-alist merged-props-without-insert current-switches))))))) (defun toolbarx-process-group (group meaning-alist props switches) "Return an updated version of SWITCHES. Append to already processed buttons (stored in SWITCHES) a processed version of GROUP. Groups are useful to distribute properties. External properties are given in PROPS, and merged with the internal properties that are in the end of GROUP. If properties (after merge) contain a `:insert' property, return a list where the first and second elements are `:insert' and its value, and after that a list in the same format as SWITCHES." (cond ;; if DROPDOWN group ((eq (car group) :dropdown-group) (toolbarx-process-dropdown-group group meaning-alist props switches)) ;; if EVAL group ((eq (car group) :eval-group) (let ((current-switches switches)) (dolist (elt (cdr group) current-switches) (let ((eval-elt (eval elt t))) (setq current-switches (toolbarx-process-group (if (listp eval-elt) eval-elt (list eval-elt)) meaning-alist props current-switches)))))) ;; if normal group (t (let* ((splited-props (toolbarx-separate-options group (append (nth 1 toolbarx-button-props) (nth 1 toolbarx-dropdown-props)))) (intern-props (cdr splited-props)) (group-without-props (car splited-props)) (merged-props (toolbarx-merge-props intern-props props (append (nth 2 toolbarx-button-props) (nth 2 toolbarx-dropdown-props)) (append (nth 3 toolbarx-button-props) (nth 3 toolbarx-dropdown-props))))) ;; check whether merged props have an `:insert' (if (memq :insert merged-props) ;; if yes, prepend switches with a (:insert cond elements) (let* ((memq-ins (memq :insert merged-props)) (ins-val (if (and (listp (cadr memq-ins)) (eq :add-value-list (car (cadr memq-ins)))) ;; if property is add-value property (let* ((p (assq :insert (nth 0 toolbarx-button-props))) (add-list (list (cddr p))) (prop-good-val)) (dolist (val (cdr (cadr memq-ins))) (setq prop-good-val (funcall (cadr p) val)) (when (car prop-good-val) (setq add-list (cons (cdr prop-good-val) add-list)))) ;; return: (nreverse add-list) (setq add-list (nreverse add-list)) (if (eq 2 (length add-list)) (cadr add-list) ; just 1 value, no add-list)) ; add-function ;; if property is not add-value (cadr memq-ins))) (merged-props-without-insert (append (butlast merged-props (length memq-ins)) (cddr memq-ins))) (group-switches (toolbarx-process-group-without-insert group-without-props merged-props-without-insert meaning-alist nil))) ;; return (nreverse (cons (append (list :insert ins-val) group-switches) (nreverse switches)))) ;; if not, just append what is processed to switches (toolbarx-process-group-without-insert group-without-props merged-props meaning-alist switches)))))) (defun toolbarx-process-symbol (symbol meaning-alist props switches) "Process a button given by SYMBOL in MEANING-ALIST. The processed button is appended in SWITCHES, which is returned. Look for a association of SYMBOL in MEANING-ALIST for collecting properties. Such association is a list that represents either a normal button (a description of the button) or an alias group (the symbol is an alias for a group of buttons). PROPS is a externel list of properties that are merged and then applied to the button. Scope is given by GLOBAL-FLAG." ;; there are 3 situations: symbol is :new-line, there is an alias group ;; or a normal button (let ((button-assq (cdr (assq symbol meaning-alist)))) (cond ((eq (car button-assq) :alias) ;; button association is ALIAS GROUP is passed to ;; `toolbarx-process-group' as is but without the car. ;; return: (toolbarx-process-group... returns updates switch (toolbarx-process-group (cdr button-assq) meaning-alist props switches)) (t ;; NORMAL BUTTON (association is a list of properties) ;; ;; properties need to be processed, that is, merge internal ;; and external (given by PROPS) properties (let* (;; button properties defined in `toolbarx-button-props' (props-override (nth 2 toolbarx-button-props)) (props-add (nth 3 toolbarx-button-props)) ;; split considering also dropdown-group properties (button-assq-split (toolbarx-separate-options button-assq (append (nth 1 toolbarx-button-props) (nth 1 toolbarx-dropdown-props)))) (button-split-no-props (car button-assq-split)) (button-split-props (cdr button-assq-split)) ;; if there is no :image or :command in the props, ;; try to get them from no-props part (button-image-no-prop (unless (memq :image button-split-props) (when (> (length button-split-no-props) 0) (list :image (nth 0 button-split-no-props))))) (button-command-no-prop (unless (memq :command button-split-props) (when (> (length button-split-no-props) 1) (list :command (nth 1 button-split-no-props))))) (button-props (append button-split-props button-image-no-prop button-command-no-prop)) ;; merge props (merged-props (toolbarx-merge-props button-props props props-override props-add))) ;; return: (nreverse (cons (cons symbol merged-props) (nreverse switches)))))))) (defun toolbarx-process-dropdown-group (dropdown meaning-alist props switches) "Process buttons that appear according to dropdown menu. Process a dropdown group DROPDOWN with meaning alist MEANING-ALIST, external property list PROP and GLOBAL-FLAG specifying scope. For a complete description, see documentation of `toolbarx-install-toolbar'. The processed buttons are stored in the end of SWITCHES, which is returned." (let* ((dropdown-group (if (eq (car dropdown) :dropdown-group) (cdr dropdown) dropdown)) (dropdown-list-splited (toolbarx-separate-options dropdown-group (append (nth 1 toolbarx-button-props) (nth 1 toolbarx-dropdown-props)))) (dropdown-list (car dropdown-list-splited)) (dropdown-props (cdr dropdown-list-splited)) (merged-props (toolbarx-merge-props dropdown-props props (append (nth 2 toolbarx-button-props) (nth 2 toolbarx-dropdown-props)) (append (nth 3 toolbarx-button-props) (nth 3 toolbarx-dropdown-props)))) (merged-props-button-only (let* ((props-button-only) (prop)) (dolist (p (nth 1 toolbarx-button-props) props-button-only) (setq prop (memq p merged-props)) (when prop (setq props-button-only (append (list p (cadr prop)) props-button-only)))))) (merged-props-dropdown-only (let* ((props-dropdown-only) (prop)) (dolist (p (nth 1 toolbarx-dropdown-props) props-dropdown-only) (setq prop (memq p merged-props)) (when prop (setq props-dropdown-only (append (list p (cadr prop)) props-dropdown-only)))))) ;; get value for each property and check type ONLY for props that do ;; not concern the dropdown button, like `:type', `:save', etc. The ;; props that concern the button are going to be handled in refresh ;; time. (filtered-dropdown-group-props-only (let* ((filtered-props-temp) (prop-good-val) (prop)) (save-match-data (dolist (p (nth 0 toolbarx-dropdown-props) filtered-props-temp) (unless (string-match "^:dropdown-.*$" (symbol-name (car p))) ;; property -> (car p) ;; test type function -> (cadr p) (setq prop (memq (car p) merged-props-dropdown-only)) ;; if so, check if value is of correct type (when prop (setq prop-good-val (funcall (cadr p) (cadr prop))) (if (car prop-good-val) (setq filtered-props-temp (append filtered-props-temp (list (car p) (cdr prop-good-val)))) (display-warning 'toolbarx (format (concat "Wrong type for value in " "property `%s' in dropdown group") (car p)))))))))) ;; properties for the dropdown button from dropdown merged properties (dropdown-button-props (let* ((props)) (save-match-data (dolist (pr (nth 1 toolbarx-dropdown-props)) (when (and (memq pr merged-props-dropdown-only) (string-match "^:dropdown-\\(.*\\)$" (symbol-name pr))) (let* ((new-pr (intern (concat ":" (substring (symbol-name pr) (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))) (val (cadr (memq pr merged-props-dropdown-only)))) (setq props (append (list new-pr val) props)))))) (unless (memq :image props) (setq props (append (list :image "dropdown") props))) props)) (dropdown-button-without-command (cons 'dropdown dropdown-button-props)) ;; `:type' defaults to `radio' (type (if (memq :type filtered-dropdown-group-props-only) (cadr (memq :type filtered-dropdown-group-props-only)) 'radio)) ;; `:default' defaults to 1 or nil depending on `type' ;; if type is toggle and default is not a list, but a ;; integer, set as the list with integer (default (let* ((memq-default (memq :default filtered-dropdown-group-props-only)) (def-temp (cadr memq-default)) (default-temp (if memq-default def-temp (if (eq type 'radio) 1 (list 1))))) default-temp)) ;; `:save' defaults to nil and require `:variable' (save (let* ((save-temp (when (memq :save filtered-dropdown-group-props-only) (cadr (memq :save filtered-dropdown-group-props-only))))) (if (and save-temp (not (memq :variable filtered-dropdown-group-props-only))) (progn (display-warning 'toolbarx (concat "`:save' property with non-nil value should " "be used only with the `:variable' property; " "using value nil for `:save'.")) nil) save-temp))) ;; `:title' defaults to nil (title (when (memq :title filtered-dropdown-group-props-only) (cadr (memq :title filtered-dropdown-group-props-only)))) ;; the menu variable is buildt from the `:variable' option or ;; make a symbol not used (variable (if (memq :variable filtered-dropdown-group-props-only) (cadr (memq :variable filtered-dropdown-group-props-only)) (let* ((count 0) (symb (intern (format "toolbarx-internal-menu-var-%d" count)))) (while (boundp symb) (setq count (1+ count)) (setq symb (intern (format "toolbarx-internal-menu-var-%d" count)))) symb))) ;; auxiliary variables (list-strings) (list-buttons)) ;; setting `variable' (if save (custom-declare-variable variable default "Used as variable of dropdown menu defined with `toolbarx'.") (when (not (boundp variable)) (set variable default))) ;; now check `variable' content (set variable (let ((val (symbol-value variable))) (if (eq type 'toggle) (if (listp val) val (if (integerp val) (list val) (list 1))) ;; then, type is radio (if (integerp val) val (if (and val (listp val) (integerp (car val))) (car val) 1))))) ;; === buiding `list-strings' and `list-buttons' === ;; if only symbols, build `list-strings' and `list-buttons' from symbols (if (let ((only-symbols-flag t)) (dolist (i dropdown-list only-symbols-flag) (setq only-symbols-flag (and only-symbols-flag (symbolp i))))) (let ((count 0)) (dolist (i dropdown-list) ;; list-strings and list-buttons are buildt reversed (setq list-strings (cons (toolbarx-make-string-from-symbol i) list-strings)) (setq count (1+ count)) (setq list-buttons (cons (list i :insert (if (eq type 'radio) (list 'eq count variable) (list 'memq count variable))) list-buttons)))) ;; if not, the it must start with string (unless (stringp (car dropdown-list)) (error "%s %s %s" "If not all itens on dropdown are symbols, then a string" "must come before each set of buttons; no string found" "in first position.")) (let ((count 0) (elem) (temp-list-buttons)) (while dropdown-list (setq elem (car dropdown-list)) (setq dropdown-list (cdr dropdown-list)) (if (stringp elem) ;; if string, output `temp-list-buttons' and prepair it again (progn ;; list-strings and list-buttons are buildt reversed (setq list-strings (cons elem list-strings)) (when temp-list-buttons (setq list-buttons (cons (append (nreverse temp-list-buttons) (list :insert (if (eq type 'radio) (list 'eq count variable) (list 'memq count variable)))) list-buttons))) (setq temp-list-buttons nil) (setq count (1+ count))) ;; else, if not string, just insert it to `temp-list-buttons' ;; which is also buildt reversed (setq temp-list-buttons (cons elem temp-list-buttons)))) ;; output last temp list, left behind (when temp-list-buttons (setq list-buttons (cons (append (nreverse temp-list-buttons) (list :insert (if (eq type 'radio) (list 'eq count variable) (list 'memq count variable)))) list-buttons))))) ;; lists were made reversed (elements inserted at the beginning) (setq list-strings (nreverse list-strings)) (setq list-buttons (nreverse list-buttons)) ;; now, pass `list-buttons' as a group to `toolbarx-process-group' (let ((current-switches switches)) (setq current-switches (toolbarx-process-group list-buttons meaning-alist merged-props ; pass non-processed props current-switches)) (setq current-switches ;; outputing dropdown button (toolbarx-process-group (append dropdown-button-without-command (list :command (toolbarx-mount-popup-menu list-strings variable type title save))) meaning-alist merged-props-button-only switches)) current-switches))) ;; Still functions `toolbarx-install-toolbar' and `toolbarx-refresh'to ;; complete the parsing engine. Since they interface with other engines, ;; they must come in the end. ;;; How a image is made, giving a string as (part of) file name. ;; look at function `image-type-available-p' for Emacs !!!! (defun toolbarx-find-image (image) "Return image descriptor or glyph for IMAGE. IMAGE is string. Usually IMAGE neither contains a directory nor an extension. If the extension is omitted, `xpm', `xbm' and `pbm' are tried. If the directory is omitted, `toolbarx-image-path' is searched." (let ((file)) (dolist (i '("" ".xpm" ".xbm" ".pbm")) (unless file (setq file (locate-library (concat image i) t toolbarx-image-path)))) (if file (create-image file) (find-image `((:type xpm :file ,(concat image ".xpm")) (:type xbm :file ,(concat image ".xbm")) (:type pbm :file ,(concat image ".pbm"))))))) ;; next variable interfaces between parsing and display engines (defvar toolbarx-internal-button-switches nil "Store the list of processed buttons, used by `toolbarx-refresh'. This variable can store different values for the different buffers.") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Second engine: display parsed buttons in Emacs (defun toolbarx-emacs-add-button (button used-keys keymap) "Insert a button where BUTTON is its description. USED-KEYS should be a list of symbols, where the first element is `:used-symbols'. This list should store the symbols of the buttons already inserted. This list is changed by side effect. KEYMAP is the keymap where the menu-item corresponding to the tool-bal button is going to be inserted. Insertion is made in the end of KEYMAP. BUTTON should be a list of form (SYMBOL . PROP-LIST). SYMBOL is a symbol that \"names\" this button. PROP-LIST is a list in the format (PROP VAL ... PROP VAL). The supported properties are `:image', `:command', `:append-command', `:prepend-command', `:help', `:enable', `:visible', `:button', and `:insert'. For a description of properties, see documentation of function `toolbar-install-toolbar'." (let* ((symbol (nth 0 button)) (used-keys-list (when used-keys (cdr used-keys))) (filtered-props (let* ((filtered-props-temp) (prop-good-val) (prop)) (dolist (p (nth 0 toolbarx-button-props) filtered-props-temp) ;; property -> (car p) ;; test type function -> (cadr p) ;; add-function -> (cddr p) (setq prop (memq (car p) button)) ;; if so, check if value is of correct type (when prop ;; if property is of add-type, them the value is a list ;; (:add-value-list VAL VAL). Each VAL should be checked. (if (and (cddr p) (eq :add-value-list (car (cadr prop)))) (let* ((add-list (list (cddr p)))) (dolist (val (cdr (cadr prop))) (setq prop-good-val (funcall (cadr p) val)) (when (car prop-good-val) (setq add-list (cons (cdr prop-good-val) add-list)))) (setq add-list (nreverse add-list)) (when (eq 2 (length add-list)) ; just 1 value, no ; add-function (setq add-list (cadr add-list))) (setq filtered-props-temp (append (list (car p) add-list) filtered-props-temp))) ;; if override-property (setq prop-good-val (funcall (cadr p) (cadr prop))) (when (car prop-good-val) (setq filtered-props-temp (append (list (car p) (cdr prop-good-val)) filtered-props-temp)))))))) (insert (or (not (memq :insert filtered-props)) ;; (memq :insert filtered-props) (eval (nth 1 (memq :insert filtered-props)) t)))) (when insert (cond (t ;; symbol is not :new-line, therefore a normal button (let* ((image (cadr (memq :image filtered-props))) (image-descriptor (when (memq :image filtered-props) (cond ((stringp image) ; string (toolbarx-find-image image)) ((and (consp image) ; or image descriptor (eq (car image) 'image)) image) ((and (symbolp image) ; or a symbol bound to a (boundp image) ; image descriptor (defined ; with `defimage')g (consp (symbol-value image)) (eq (car (symbol-value image)) 'image)) (symbol-value image)) (t ; otherwise, must be a list ; with 4 strings or image ; descriptors (apply #'vector (mapcar (lambda (img) (if (stringp img) (toolbarx-find-image img) img)) image)))))) (command (let* ((com (nth 1 (memq :command filtered-props))) (app (nth 1 (memq :append-command filtered-props))) (prep (nth 1 (memq :prepend-command filtered-props)))) (when (or com app prep) (toolbarx-make-command com prep app)))) (help (cons (memq :help filtered-props) (cadr (memq :help filtered-props)))) (enable (cons (memq :enable filtered-props) (cadr (memq :enable filtered-props)))) (visible (cons (memq :visible filtered-props) (cadr (memq :visible filtered-props)))) (button (cons (memq :button filtered-props) (cadr (memq :button filtered-props)))) (menuitem (if (eq symbol 'separator) '(menu-item "--") (append (list 'menu-item (toolbarx-make-string-from-symbol symbol) command :image image-descriptor) (when (car help) (list :help (cdr help))) (when (car enable) (list :enable (cdr enable))) (when (car visible) (list :visible (cdr visible))) (when (car button) (list :button (cdr button))) '(:vert-only t)))) (key-not-used (let* ((count 0) (symb symbol)) (while (memq symb used-keys-list) (setq count (1+ count)) (setq symb (intern (format "%s-%d" symbol count)))) symb))) (when (and image-descriptor command) (setq used-keys-list (cons key-not-used used-keys-list)) (define-key-after keymap (vector key-not-used) menuitem)))))) (when used-keys (setcdr used-keys used-keys-list)))) (defun toolbarx-emacs-refresh-process-button-or-insert-list (switches used-keys keymap) "Process SWITCHES, inserting buttons in `tool-bar-map'. If a button is actually a `:insert' clause group (if `car' is `:insert') and evaluation of `cdr' yields non-nil, process `cddr' recursively as SWITCHES. USED-KEYS is a list which `car' is `:used-symbols' and which `cdr' is a list of symbols that have already been used as keys in the keymap `tool-bar-map'." (dolist (button switches) (if (eq (car button) :insert) (when (eval (cadr button) t) (toolbarx-emacs-refresh-process-button-or-insert-list (cddr button) used-keys keymap)) (toolbarx-emacs-add-button button used-keys keymap)))) (defun toolbarx-emacs-refresh (&optional global-flag) "Refresh and redraw the toolbar in Emacs. If GLOBAL-FLAG is non-nil, the default value of toolbar switches is used and the default value of `toolbarx-map' is changed." (let* ((switches (if global-flag (if (default-boundp 'toolbarx-internal-button-switches) (default-value 'toolbarx-internal-button-switches) toolbarx-internal-button-switches) toolbarx-internal-button-switches)) (used-keys (list :used-symbols nil)) (tool-bar-map-temp (make-sparse-keymap))) (toolbarx-emacs-refresh-process-button-or-insert-list switches used-keys tool-bar-map-temp) (if global-flag (setq-default tool-bar-map tool-bar-map-temp) (setq tool-bar-map tool-bar-map-temp)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; finishing parsing engine (defun toolbarx-refresh (&optional global-flag) "Redraw the toolbar, peviously installed with `toolbarx'. Force global refresh if GLOBAL-FLAG is non-nil." (interactive "P") (toolbarx-emacs-refresh global-flag)) ;;;###autoload (autoload 'toolbarx-install-toolbar "toolbar-x") (defun toolbarx-install-toolbar (buttons &optional meaning-alist global-flag) "Install toolbar buttons given in BUTTONS. Button properties are optionally given in MEANING-ALIST. If GLOBAL-FLAG is non-nil, toolbar is installed globally (on every buffer that does not have a toolbar set locally). BUTTONS is a list of format (ELEM ... ELEM . PROPS), where each ELEM is either - a list in the same format od BUTTONS, which is going to be refered as a *group*; groups are used to distribute properties recursively to its elements; there are groups with special format for special purpose: *dropdown groups* and also *eval groups*. - a symbol, which could be associated in MEANING-ALIST with a list of button properties (symbol + properties = a *button*) or associated to a special kind of group (an *alias group*). Meaning alist ============= MEANING-ALIST is a list where each element is in one of the formats (SYMB . BUTTON-PROPS-LIST) or (SYMB . ALIAS-GROUP). BUTTON-PROPS-LIST is a list in one of the formats (IMAGE COMMAND PROP VAL PROP VAL ... PROP VAL) or (PROP VAL PROP VAL ... PROP VAL). The IMAGE is going to be used as the `:image' property of the button (see button properties bellow), and COMMAND shall be used as the `:command' property of the button. Each PROP is one of the button properties, and VAL is its respective value. ALIAS-GROUP is a list which first element is the symbol `:alias' and the cdr shall be processed as a group. However, a symbol is not required to have an association in MEANING-ALIST, which is only a way to specify properties to a button. One can use groups to specify properties. Nil is a good MEANING-ALIST. Buttons ======= A toolbar button in `toolbarx' is the set with a symbol and properties used to display the button, like a image and a command to call when the button is pressed (which are the minimal elements that a button should have.) The supported properties for buttons and their `basic types' (see note on how values of properties are obtained!) are: :image -- either a string or image descriptor (see info for a definition), or a variable bound to a image descriptor (like those defined with `defimage') or a list of 4 strings or image descriptors; defines the image file displayed by the button. If it is a string, the image file found with that name (always using the function `toolbarx-find-image' to make the \`internal\' image descriptor) is used as button image. For the other formats, the button image is handled in the same way as it is treated by the editors; see info nodes bellow for a description of the capabilities: info file \"elisp\", node \"Tool Bar\" (see `:image' property); PS: a *vector* of four strings is used in the Emacs Lisp documentation as the `more ellaborated' image property format, but here we reserve vectors to provide editor-dependent values; this motivates our choice for a list instead of vector (however, internally the list becomes a vector when displaying the button). :command -- a form; if the form happens to be a command, it will be called with `call-interactively'. :append-command -- a form added to the end of the value of `:command'. :prepend-command -- a form added at the beginning of the value of `:command'. :help -- either a string or nil; defined the help string of the button; :enable -- a form, evaluated constantly by both editors to determine if a button is active (enabled) or not. :visible -- a form that is evaluated constantly to determine if a button is visible. :button -- a cons cell (TYPE . SELECTED) where the TYPE should be `:toggle' or `:radio' and the cdr should be a form. SELECTED is evaluated to determine when the button is selected. :insert -- a form that is evaluated every time that the toolbar is refresh (a call of `toolbarx-refresh') to determine if the button is inserted or just ignored (until next refresh). How to specify a button ======================= One can specify a button by its symbol or by a group to specify properties. For example, BUTTON = ( foo (bar :image \"bar\" :command bar-function :help \"Bar help string\") :insert foo-bar ) MEANING-ALIST = ( (foo :image \"foo\" :command foo-function) ) specifiy two buttons `foo' and `bar', each one with its necessary :image and :command properties, and both use the :insert property specified ate the end of BUTTONS (because groups distribute properties to all its elements). `foo' and `bar' will be inserted only if `foo-bar' evaluation yields non-nil. Note on how values of properties are obtained ============================================= For each property PROP, its value should be either: i) a vector of 2 elements; then each element should be of the basic type of PROP. ii) an element on the basic type of PROP. iii) a function (that does not need arguments); it is evaluated and the return should be ot type i) or ii) above iv) a symbol bound to a element of type i) or ii). The type is cheched in the order i), ii) iii) and iv). This evaluations are done every time that the oolbar is refresh. Ps.: in order to specify a vector as value of a property (like the :image in Emacs), it is necessary to provide the vector as element of another vector. Special groups ============== Eval groups ----------- If the first element of a group is the symbol `:eval-group', each element is evaluated (with `eval'), put inside a list and processed like a group. Eval groups are useful to store definition of buttons in a variable. Dropdown groups --------------- The idea is to specify a set of buttons that appear when a determined menu item of a dropdown menu is active. The dropdown menu appears when a button (by default with a triangle pointing down) is clicked. This button is called `dropdown button'. The dropdown button appears on the left of the currently visible buttons of the dropdown group. A dropdown group is a list which first element is the symbol `:dropdown-group' and in one of the following formats (:dropdown-group SYMBOL-1 ... SYMBOL-n PROP-1 VAL-1 ... PROP-k VAL-k) or (:dropdown-group STRING-1 ITEM-11 ... ITEM-1n STRING-2 ITEM-21 ... ITEM-2m . . . STRING-n ITEM-n1 ... ITEM-np PROP-1 VAL-1 ... PROP-j VAL-j) where SYMBOL-* is a symbol that defines a button in MEANING-ALIST; STRING-* is a string that will appear in the dropdown menu; ITEM-* is any format that define buttons or groups. \(a dropdown group of first format is internally converted to the second by making strings from the symbols and each symbol is the item) The same rules for obtaining property values, described above, apply here. Properties are also distributed by groups. The supported properties and their basic type are: :type -- one of the symbols `radio' (default) or `toggle'; if type is radio, only one of the itens may be active, and if type is toggle, any item number of itens can be active. :variable -- a symbol; it is the variable that govern the dropdown button; every time the value should be an integer starting from 1 (if type is radio) or a list of integers (if type is toggle). The Nth set of buttons is :insert'ed. :default -- determines the default value when the menu is installed; it is ignored if a value was saved with custom; it defaults to 1 if type is radio or nil if type is toggle. If value is a integer and type is `toggle', value used is a list with that integer. :save -- one of the symbols nil (default), `offer' or `always'; determined if it is possible for the user to save the which menu itens are active, for a next session. If value is `offer', a item (offering to save) is added to the popup menu. If the value is `always', every time that a item is selected, the variable is saved. If value is nil, variable shall not be saved. If value is non-nil then `:variable' is mandatory. :title -- a string or nil; if a string, the popup menu will show is as menu title; if nil, no title is shown. :dropdown-help -- a string or nil; the help string of the dropdown button. :dropdown-image -- either a string or a vector of 4 strings; defines the image file displayed by the dropdown button; by default, it is the string \"dropdown\". :dropdown-append-command, :dropdownprepend-command -- a form; append or prepend forms to the command that shows the dropdown menu, allowing extra code to run before or after the menu appears (remember that every menu item clicked refresh the toolbar.) :dropdown-enable -- a form; evaluated constantly by both editors to determine if the dropdown button is active (enabled) or not. :dropdown-visible -- a form; it is evaluated constantly to determine if the dropdown button is visible. Also, if the symbol `dropdown' is associted in MEANING-ALIST with some properties, these properties override (or add) with higher precedence. Special buttons =============== If the symbol of a button is `:new-line', it is inserted a (faked) return, and the next button will be displayed a next line of buttons. The only property supported for this button is `:insert'." (let ((switches (toolbarx-process-group buttons meaning-alist nil nil))) (if global-flag (setq-default toolbarx-internal-button-switches switches) (set (make-local-variable 'toolbarx-internal-button-switches) switches) (make-local-variable 'tool-bar-map))) (toolbarx-refresh global-flag)) (defconst toolbarx-default-toolbar-meaning-alist '((separator :image "sep" :command t :enable nil :help "") (new-file :image "new" :command find-file :enable (not (window-minibuffer-p (frame-selected-window menu-updating-frame))) :help "Specify a new file's name, to edit the file") (open-file :image "open" :command menu-find-file-existing :enable (not (window-minibuffer-p (frame-selected-window menu-updating-frame))) :help "Read a file into an Emacs buffer") (dired :image "diropen" :command dired :help "Read a directory, operate on its files") (save-buffer :image "save" :command save-buffer :enable (and (buffer-modified-p) (buffer-file-name) (not (window-minibuffer-p (frame-selected-window menu-updating-frame)))) :help "Save current buffer to its file" :visible (or buffer-file-name (not (eq 'special (get major-mode 'mode-class))))) (write-file :image "saveas" :command write-file :enable (not (window-minibuffer-p (frame-selected-window menu-updating-frame))) :help "Write current buffer to another file" :visible (or buffer-file-name (not (eq 'special (get major-mode 'mode-class))))) (undo :image "undo" :command undo :enable (and (not buffer-read-only) (not (eq t buffer-undo-list)) (if (eq last-command #'undo) pending-undo-list (consp buffer-undo-list))) :help "Undo last operation" :visible (not (eq 'special (get major-mode 'mode-class)))) (cut :image "cut" :help "Delete text in region and copy it to the clipboard" :command clipboard-kill-region :visible (not (eq 'special (get major-mode 'mode-class)))) (copy :image "copy" :help "Copy text in region to the clipboard" :command clipboard-kill-ring-save) (paste :image "paste" :help "Paste text from clipboard" :command clipboard-yank :visible (not (eq 'special (get major-mode 'mode-class)))) (search-forward :command nonincremental-search-forward :help "Search forward for a string" :image "search") (search-replace :image "search-replace" :command query-replace :help "Replace string interactively, ask about each occurrence") (print-buffer :image "print" :command print-buffer :help "Print current buffer with page headings") (customize :image "preferences" :command customize :help "Edit preferences (customize)") (help :image "help" :command (lambda () (interactive) (popup-menu menu-bar-help-menu)) :help "Pop up the Help menu") (kill-buffer :command kill-this-buffer :enable (kill-this-buffer-enabled-p) :help "Discard current buffer" :image "close") (exit-emacs :image "exit" :command save-buffers-kill-emacs :help "Offer to save unsaved buffers, then exit Emacs") (spell-buffer :image "spell" :command ispell-buffer :help "Check spelling of selected buffer") (info :image "info" :command info :help "Enter Info, the documentation browser")) "A meaning alist with definition of the default buttons. The following buttons are available: `open-file', `dired', `save-buffer', `undo', `cut', `copy', `paste', `search-replace', `print-buffer', `spell-buffer', `info'. `new-file', `write-file', `search-forward', `customize', `help', `kill-buffer', `exit-emacs'. To reproduce the default toolbar with use as BUTTON in `toolbarx-install-toolbar': \(toolbarx-install-toolbar '((open-file dired kill-buffer save-buffer write-file undo cut copy paste search-forward print-buffer customize help)) toolbarx-default-toolbar-meaning-alist) Ps.: there are more buttons available than suggested in the expression above.") (provide 'toolbar-x) ;;; toolbar-x.el ends here