;;; tex-ispell.el --- AUCTeX skip additions for Ispell -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2016--2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Arash Esbati ;; Maintainer: auctex-devel@gnu.org ;; Keywords: tex, wp, convenience ;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; This file provides additions to skip list of Ispell (in this ;; context, Ispell is synonym for Ispell, Aspell and Hunspell spelling ;; checker programs). Macro arguments and environments skipped by ;; Ispell are stored in the car and/or cdr of ;; `ispell-tex-skip-alists'. This file uses two functions ;; `TeX-ispell-skip-setcar' and `TeX-ispell-skip-setcdr' defined in ;; `tex.el' to add new items to this variable. ;; Ispell has a lot of LaTeX macros and environments already built-in. ;; E.g., check this link for Hunspell program: ;; https://github.com/hunspell/hunspell/blob/master/src/parsers/latexparser.cxx ;; Ispell does not check spelling in the preamble of a document. ;; Hence, only document macros and environments should be added here. ;; Currently, this file has support for the following macro packages: ;; acro.sty ;; amsmath.sty ;; attachfile.sty ;; booktabs.sty ;; breqn.sty ;; cleveref.sty ;; empheq.sty ;; enumitem.sty ;; fancyref.sty ;; fancyvrb.sty ;; filecontents.sty ;; fontaxes.sty ;; fontspec.sty ;; hyperref.sty ;; listings.sty ;; ltxtable.sty ;; mdframed.sty ;; minted.sty ;; nameref.sty ;; pythontex.sty ;; siunitx.sty ;; splitidx.sty ;; tabularx.sty ;; tabulary.sty ;; tcolorbox.sty ;; tikz.sty ;; varioref.sty ;; xltabular.sty ;; If you have further additions, drop a line to . ;;; Code: (require 'tex) ;; Add new macros here: (eval-when-compile (defvar TeX-ispell-skip-cmds-list '(;; acro.sty ("ac" . 1) ("ac*" . 1) ("Ac" . 1) ("Ac*" . 1) ("acs" . 1) ("acs*" . 1) ("acl" . 1) ("acl*" . 1) ("Acl" . 1) ("Acl*" . 1) ("aca" . 1) ("aca*" . 1) ("acf" . 1) ("acf*" . 1) ("Acf" . 1) ("Acf*" . 1) ("acp" . 1) ("acp*" . 1) ("Acp" . 1) ("Acp*" . 1) ("acsp" . 1) ("acsp*" . 1) ("aclp" . 1) ("aclp*" . 1) ("Aclp" . 1) ("Aclp*" . 1) ("acap" . 1) ("acap*" . 1) ("acfp" . 1) ("acfp*" . 1) ("Acfp" . 1) ("Acfp*" . 1) ("Iac" . 1) ("iacs" . 1) ("iacl" . 1) ("acflike" . 1) ("acflike*" . 1) ("acfplike" . 1) ("acfplike*" . 1) ("acsingle" . 1) ("acsingle*" . 1) ("Acsingle" . 1) ("Acsingle*" . 1) ("acreset" . 1) ("acuse" . 1) ("acsetup" . 1) ;; attachfile.sty ("attachfile" . 1) ("attachfilesetup" . 1) ("textattachfile" . 1) ;; booktabs.sty ("addlinespace" . 0) ("specialrule" . 3) ;; cleveref.sty ("cref" . 1) ("Cref" . 1) ("cref*" . 1) ("Cref*" . 1) ("cpageref" . 1) ("Cpageref" . 1) ("namecref" . 1) ("nameCref" . 1) ("lcnamecref" . 1) ("labelcref" . 1) ("crefrange" . 2) ("Crefrange" . 2) ("cpagerefrange" . 2) ("Cpagerefrange" . 2) ("crefrange*" . 2) ("Crefrange*" . 2) ;; empheq.sty ("empheqset" . 1) ;; fancyref.sty ("fref" . 1) ("Fref" . 1) ;; fancyvrb.sty ("fvset" . 1) ("VerbatimInput" . 1) ;; fontaxes.sty ("figureversion" . 1) ;; fontspec.sty ("addfontfeatures" . 1) ;; hyperref.sty ("hypersetup" . 1) ("href" . 1) ("url" . 1) ("nolinkurl" . 1) ("hyperbaseurl" . 1) ("hyperimage" . 1) ("hyperdef" . 2) ("hyperref" . 3) ("hyperlink" . 1) ("hypertarget" . 1) ("autoref" . 1) ("autoref*" . 1) ("autopageref" . 1) ("autopageref*" . 1) ;; listings.sty ("lstinputlisting" . 1) ("lstset" . 1) ;; ltxtable.sty ("LTXtable" . 2) ;; mdframed.sty ("mdfsetup" . 1) ("mdfapptodefinestyle" . 2) ;; minted.sty ("inputminted" . 2) ("setminted" . 1) ("setmintedinline" . 1) ;; nameref.sty ("nameref" . 1) ("Nameref" . 1) ;; pythontex.sty: Only add the macros which will be used in the ;; document; others should be in the preamble ("setpythontexfv" . 1) ("useprintpythontex" . 1) ("usestdoutpythontex" . 1) ("inputpygments" . 1) ("setpygmentsfv" . 1) ("setpygmentspygopt" . 1) ;; siunitx.sty ("num" . 1) ("si" . 1) ("sisetup" . 1) ("SI" . 2) ;; splitidx.sty ("sindex" . 1) ;; tcolorbox.sty ("tcbox" . 0) ("tcbset" . 1) ("tcbsetforeverylayer" . 1) ;; tcolorbox.sty -- raster library ("tcbitem" . 0) ;; varioref.sty ("vref" . 1) ("Vref" . 1) ("vref*" . 1) ("Ref" . 1) ("vpageref" . 1) ("vpageref*" . 1) ("fullref" . 1) ("vrefrange" . 2) ("vrefrange*" . 2) ("vpagerefrange" . 2) ("vpagerefrange*" . 2)) "List of commands with arguments to be skipped. Each element of the list is a cons cell with command name \(string) as car and the number of mandatory arguments to be skipped as cdr. If number is 0, then only skip over the optional argument and spell check the mandatory one.")) ;; Add new environments with one optional argument here: (eval-when-compile (defvar TeX-ispell-skip-envs-opt-arg-list '(;; enumitem.sty "description" "description*" "enumerate" "enumerate*" "itemize" "itemize*" ;; mdframed.sty "mdframed" ;; tcolorbox.sty "tcolorbox" ;; tcolorbox.sty -- raster library "tcbraster" "tcbitemize") "List of LaTeX environments with an opt argument to be skipped.")) ;; Add new environments which should be skipped entirely here: (eval-when-compile (defvar TeX-ispell-skip-envs-list '(;; amsmath.sty "align" "align*" "alignat" "alignat*" "flalign" "flalign*" "gather" "gather*" "multline" "multline*" ;; breqn.sty "darray" "darray*" "dgroup" "dgroup*" "dmath" "dmath*" "dseries" "dseries*" ;; empheq.sty "empheq" ;; fancyvrb.sty "BVerbatim" "BVerbatim*" "LVerbatim" "LVerbatim*" "SaveVerbatim" "Verbatim" "Verbatim*" "VerbatimOut" ;; listings.sty "lstlisting" ;; minted.sty "minted" ;; pythontex.sty "pycode" "pysub" "pyverbatim" "pyblock" "pyconsole" "pyconcode" "pyconverbatim" "pylabcode" "pylabsub" "pylabverbatim" "pylabblock" "pylabconsole" "pylabconcode" "pylabconverbatim" "sympycode" "sympysub" "sympyverbatim" "sympyblock" "sympyconsole" "sympyconcode" "sympyconverbatim" "pygments" ;; tikz.sty "tikzpicture") "List of LaTeX environments which will be skipped entirely. Environments for math or verbatim text are candidates for this list.")) ;; Add others delimited here: (TeX-ispell-skip-setcar `(;; LaTeX-base ("\\\\(" . "\\\\)") ("\\\\raisebox" TeX-ispell-tex-arg-end 1 2 0) ;; booktabs.sty ("\\\\cmidrule" . "{[-0-9]+}") ;; fontspec.sty ("\\\\fontspec" TeX-ispell-tex-arg-end 1 1 0))) ;; Special setup for verbatim macros: (defcustom TeX-ispell-verb-delimiters "!|#~\"/+^-" "String with all delimiters for verbatim macros. Characters special in regexps like `^' and `-' must come last and not be quoted. An opening brace `{', asterisk `*' and at-sign `@' should not be used as they are not recognized by `font-latex.el' correctly." :group 'TeX-misc :type 'string) ;; listings.sty, fancyvrb.sty, pythontex.sty: With opt. argument only ;; before verb content: (TeX-ispell-skip-setcar `((,(concat "\\\\" (regexp-opt '("Verb" "lstinline" "py" "pyc" "pys" "pyv" "pyb" "pycon" "pyconc" "pyconv" "pylab" "pylabc" "pylabs" "pylabv" "pylabb" "pylabcon" "pylabconc" "pylabconv" "sympy" "sympyc" "sympys" "sympyv" "sympyb" "sympycon" "sympyconc" "sympyconv"))) TeX-ispell-tex-arg-verb-end))) ;; minted.sty: With opt. and mandatory argument before verb content. ;; pythontex.sty: With one mandatory argument before verb content: (TeX-ispell-skip-setcar `((,(concat "\\\\" (regexp-opt '("mint" "mintinline" "pygment"))) TeX-ispell-tex-arg-verb-end 1))) ;; Add environments here: (TeX-ispell-skip-setcdr '(;; filecontents.sty ("filecontents\\*?" ispell-tex-arg-end) ;; tabularx.sty, tabulary.sty, Standard LaTeX tabular*-env ("tabular[*xy]" TeX-ispell-tex-arg-end) ;; tcolorbox.sty -- raster library ("tcboxed\\(raster\\|itemize\\)" ispell-tex-arg-end) ;; xltabular.sty ("xltabular" ispell-tex-arg-end 2))) ;; No customization below this line (eval-when-compile (defun TeX-ispell-sort-skip-cmds-list (arg) "Return elements from `TeX-ispell-skip-cmds-list' acc. to ARG." (when (member arg '(0 1 2 3)) (let (cmds) (dolist (elt TeX-ispell-skip-cmds-list) (when (= (cdr elt) arg) (push (car elt) cmds))) cmds)))) (defvar TeX-ispell-skip-cmds-opt-arg-regexp (eval-when-compile (concat "\\\\" (regexp-opt (TeX-ispell-sort-skip-cmds-list 0) t))) "Regexp of LaTeX commands with only optional arguments to be skipped.") (defvar TeX-ispell-skip-cmds-one-arg-regexp (eval-when-compile (concat "\\\\" (regexp-opt (TeX-ispell-sort-skip-cmds-list 1) t))) "Regexp of LaTeX commands with one argument to be skipped.") (defvar TeX-ispell-skip-cmds-two-args-regexp (eval-when-compile (concat "\\\\" (regexp-opt (TeX-ispell-sort-skip-cmds-list 2) t))) "Regexp of LaTeX commands with two arguments to be skipped.") (defvar TeX-ispell-skip-cmds-three-args-regexp (eval-when-compile (concat "\\\\" (regexp-opt (TeX-ispell-sort-skip-cmds-list 3) t))) "Regexp of LaTeX commands with three arguments to be skipped.") (defvar TeX-ispell-skip-envs-opt-arg-regexp (eval-when-compile (regexp-opt TeX-ispell-skip-envs-opt-arg-list t)) "Regexp of LaTeX environments with an opt argument to be skipped.") (defvar TeX-ispell-skip-envs-regexp (eval-when-compile (regexp-opt TeX-ispell-skip-envs-list t)) "Regexp of LaTeX environments which will be skipped entirely.") ;; Make them available to Ispell: (TeX-ispell-skip-setcar `((,TeX-ispell-skip-cmds-opt-arg-regexp ispell-tex-arg-end 0) (,TeX-ispell-skip-cmds-one-arg-regexp ispell-tex-arg-end) (,TeX-ispell-skip-cmds-two-args-regexp ispell-tex-arg-end 2) (,TeX-ispell-skip-cmds-three-args-regexp ispell-tex-arg-end 3))) (TeX-ispell-skip-setcdr `((,TeX-ispell-skip-envs-opt-arg-regexp ispell-tex-arg-end 0) ,(cons TeX-ispell-skip-envs-regexp (concat "\\\\end{" TeX-ispell-skip-envs-regexp "}")))) (provide 'tex-ispell) ;;; tex-ispell.el ends here