;; xcolor.el --- AUCTeX style for `xcolor.sty' (v2.12) -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2016--2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Arash Esbati ;; Maintainer: auctex-devel@gnu.org ;; Created: 2015-07-04 ;; Keywords: tex ;; This file is part of AUCTeX. ;; AUCTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; AUCTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with AUCTeX; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free ;; Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA ;; 02110-1301, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; This file adds support for `xcolor.sty' (v2.12) from 2016/05/11. ;; `xcolor.sty' is part of TeXLive. ;; `xcolor.sty' and `color.sty' share many command namens, but the ;; number of arguments is not always identical -- `xcolor.sty' ;; commands take more arguments. In order to make the commands and ;; font-locking work correctly, we follow this strategy: If ;; `xcolor.sty' is loaded after `color.sty', everything works fine. ;; For the way around, we guard the definitions for `color.sty' with: ;; ;; (unless (member "xcolor" (TeX-style-list)) ;; ()) ;; ;; to make sure that we define stuff for `color.sty' only if AUCTeX ;; style for `xcolor.sty' is not already loaded. ;;; Code: ;; Needed for compiling `LaTeX-check-insert-macro-default-style': (require 'latex) ;; Silence the compiler: (declare-function font-latex-add-keywords "font-latex" (keywords class)) (defvar LaTeX-xcolor-core-color-models '("rgb" "cmy" "cmyk" "hsb" "gray") "List of core color models provided by xcolor.sty.") (defvar LaTeX-xcolor-num-color-models '("RGB" "HTML" "HSB" "Gray" "HsB" "tHsB" "wave") "List of integer and decimal color models provided by xcolor.sty.") (defvar LaTeX-xcolor-pseudo-color-models '("named") "List of pseudo color models provided by xcolor.sty.") (defvar LaTeX-xcolor-type-color-models '("named" "ps") "List of type color models provided by xcolor.sty.") (defvar LaTeX-xcolor-base-colors '("red" "green" "blue" "cyan" "magenta" "yellow" "black" "gray" "white" "darkgray" "lightgray" "brown" "lime" "olive" "orange" "pink" "purple" "teal" "violet") "List of colors defined and always available from xcolor.sty.") (defvar LaTeX-xcolor-dvipsnames-colors '("Apricot" "Aquamarine" "Bittersweet" "Black" "Blue" "BlueGreen" "BlueViolet" "BrickRed" "Brown" "BurntOrange" "CadetBlue" "CarnationPink" "Cerulean" "CornflowerBlue" "Cyan" "Dandelion" "DarkOrchid" "Emerald" "ForestGreen" "Fuchsia" "Goldenrod" "Gray" "Green" "GreenYellow" "JungleGreen" "Lavender" "LimeGreen" "Magenta" "Mahogany" "Maroon" "Melon" "MidnightBlue" "Mulberry" "NavyBlue" "OliveGreen" "Orange" "OrangeRed" "Orchid" "Peach" "Periwinkle" "PineGreen" "Plum" "ProcessBlue" "Purple" "RawSienna" "Red" "RedOrange" "RedViolet" "Rhodamine" "RoyalBlue" "RoyalPurple" "RubineRed" "Salmon" "SeaGreen" "Sepia" "SkyBlue" "SpringGreen" "Tan" "TealBlue" "Thistle" "Turquoise" "Violet" "VioletRed" "White" "WildStrawberry" "Yellow" "YellowGreen" "YellowOrange") "List of colors defined by package option dvipsnames from xcolor.sty.") (defvar LaTeX-xcolor-svgnames-colors '("AliceBlue" "DarkTurquoise" "LightSalmon" "PaleVioletRed" "AntiqueWhite" "DarkViolet" "LightSeaGreen" "PapayaWhip" "Aqua" "DeepPink" "LightSkyBlue" "PeachPuff" "Aquamarine" "DeepSkyBlue" "LightSlateBlue" "Peru" "Azure" "DimGray" "LightSlateGray" "Pink" "Beige" "DimGrey" "LightSlateGrey" "Plum" "Bisque" "DodgerBlue" "LightSteelBlue" "PowderBlue" "Black" "FireBrick" "LightYellow" "Purple" "BlanchedAlmond" "FloralWhite" "Lime" "Red" "Blue" "ForestGreen" "LimeGreen" "RosyBrown" "BlueViolet" "Fuchsia" "Linen" "RoyalBlue" "Brown" "Gainsboro" "Magenta" "SaddleBrown" "BurlyWood" "GhostWhite" "Maroon" "Salmon" "CadetBlue" "Gold" "MediumAquamarine" "SandyBrown" "Chartreuse" "Goldenrod" "MediumBlue" "SeaGreen" "Chocolate" "Gray" "MediumOrchid" "Seashell" "Coral" "Green" "MediumPurple" "Sienna" "CornflowerBlue" "GreenYellow" "MediumSeaGreen" "Silver" "Cornsilk" "Grey" "MediumSlateBlue" "SkyBlue" "Crimson" "Honeydew" "MediumSpringGreen" "SlateBlue" "Cyan" "HotPink" "MediumTurquoise" "SlateGray" "DarkBlue" "IndianRed" "MediumVioletRed" "SlateGrey" "DarkCyan" "Indigo" "MidnightBlue" "Snow" "DarkGoldenrod" "Ivory" "MintCream" "SpringGreen" "DarkGray" "Khaki" "MistyRose" "SteelBlue" "DarkGreen" "Lavender" "Moccasin" "Tan" "DarkGrey" "LavenderBlush" "NavajoWhite" "Teal" "DarkKhaki" "LawnGreen" "Navy" "Thistle" "DarkMagenta" "LemonChiffon" "NavyBlue" "Tomato" "DarkOliveGreen" "LightBlue" "OldLace" "Turquoise" "DarkOrange" "LightCoral" "Olive" "Violet" "DarkOrchid" "LightCyan" "OliveDrab" "VioletRed" "DarkRed" "LightGoldenrod" "Orange" "Wheat" "DarkSalmon" "LightGoldenrodYellow" "OrangeRed" "White" "DarkSeaGreen" "LightGray" "Orchid" "WhiteSmoke" "DarkSlateBlue" "LightGreen" "PaleGoldenrod" "Yellow" "DarkSlateGray" "LightGrey" "PaleGreen" "YellowGreen" "DarkSlateGrey" "LightPink" "PaleTurquoise") "List of colors defined by package option svgnames from xcolor.sty.") (defvar LaTeX-xcolor-x11names-colors '("AntiqueWhite1" "DeepSkyBlue1" "LightYellow1" "RoyalBlue1" "AntiqueWhite2" "DeepSkyBlue2" "LightYellow2" "RoyalBlue2" "AntiqueWhite3" "DeepSkyBlue3" "LightYellow3" "RoyalBlue3" "AntiqueWhite4" "DeepSkyBlue4" "LightYellow4" "RoyalBlue4" "Aquamarine1" "DodgerBlue1" "Magenta1" "Salmon1" "Aquamarine2" "DodgerBlue2" "Magenta2" "Salmon2" "Aquamarine3" "DodgerBlue3" "Magenta3" "Salmon3" "Aquamarine4" "DodgerBlue4" "Magenta4" "Salmon4" "Azure1" "Firebrick1" "Maroon1" "SeaGreen1" "Azure2" "Firebrick2" "Maroon2" "SeaGreen2" "Azure3" "Firebrick3" "Maroon3" "SeaGreen3" "Azure4" "Firebrick4" "Maroon4" "SeaGreen4" "Bisque1" "Gold1" "MediumOrchid1" "Seashell1" "Bisque2" "Gold2" "MediumOrchid2" "Seashell2" "Bisque3" "Gold3" "MediumOrchid3" "Seashell3" "Bisque4" "Gold4" "MediumOrchid4" "Seashell4" "Blue1" "Goldenrod1" "MediumPurple1" "Sienna1" "Blue2" "Goldenrod2" "MediumPurple2" "Sienna2" "Blue3" "Goldenrod3" "MediumPurple3" "Sienna3" "Blue4" "Goldenrod4" "MediumPurple4" "Sienna4" "Brown1" "Green1" "MistyRose1" "SkyBlue1" "Brown2" "Green2" "MistyRose2" "SkyBlue2" "Brown3" "Green3" "MistyRose3" "SkyBlue3" "Brown4" "Green4" "MistyRose4" "SkyBlue4" "Burlywood1" "Honeydew1" "NavajoWhite1" "SlateBlue1" "Burlywood2" "Honeydew2" "NavajoWhite2" "SlateBlue2" "Burlywood3" "Honeydew3" "NavajoWhite3" "SlateBlue3" "Burlywood4" "Honeydew4" "NavajoWhite4" "SlateBlue4" "CadetBlue1" "HotPink1" "OliveDrab1" "SlateGray1" "CadetBlue2" "HotPink2" "OliveDrab2" "SlateGray2" "CadetBlue3" "HotPink3" "OliveDrab3" "SlateGray3" "CadetBlue4" "HotPink4" "OliveDrab4" "SlateGray4" "Chartreuse1" "IndianRed1" "Orange1" "Snow1" "Chartreuse2" "IndianRed2" "Orange2" "Snow2" "Chartreuse3" "IndianRed3" "Orange3" "Snow3" "Chartreuse4" "IndianRed4" "Orange4" "Snow4" "Chocolate1" "Ivory1" "OrangeRed1" "SpringGreen1" "Chocolate2" "Ivory2" "OrangeRed2" "SpringGreen2" "Chocolate3" "Ivory3" "OrangeRed3" "SpringGreen3" "Chocolate4" "Ivory4" "OrangeRed4" "SpringGreen4" "Coral1" "Khaki1" "Orchid1" "SteelBlue1" "Coral2" "Khaki2" "Orchid2" "SteelBlue2" "Coral3" "Khaki3" "Orchid3" "SteelBlue3" "Coral4" "Khaki4" "Orchid4" "SteelBlue4" "Cornsilk1" "LavenderBlush1" "PaleGreen1" "Tan1" "Cornsilk2" "LavenderBlush2" "PaleGreen2" "Tan2" "Cornsilk3" "LavenderBlush3" "PaleGreen3" "Tan3" "Cornsilk4" "LavenderBlush4" "PaleGreen4" "Tan4" "Cyan1" "LemonChiffon1" "PaleTurquoise1" "Thistle1" "Cyan2" "LemonChiffon2" "PaleTurquoise2" "Thistle2" "Cyan3" "LemonChiffon3" "PaleTurquoise3" "Thistle3" "Cyan4" "LemonChiffon4" "PaleTurquoise4" "Thistle4" "DarkGoldenrod1" "LightBlue1" "PaleVioletRed1" "Tomato1" "DarkGoldenrod2" "LightBlue2" "PaleVioletRed2" "Tomato2" "DarkGoldenrod3" "LightBlue3" "PaleVioletRed3" "Tomato3" "DarkGoldenrod4" "LightBlue4" "PaleVioletRed4" "Tomato4" "DarkOliveGreen1" "LightCyan1" "PeachPuff1" "Turquoise1" "DarkOliveGreen2" "LightCyan2" "PeachPuff2" "Turquoise2" "DarkOliveGreen3" "LightCyan3" "PeachPuff3" "Turquoise3" "DarkOliveGreen4" "LightCyan4" "PeachPuff4" "Turquoise4" "DarkOrange1" "LightGoldenrod1" "Pink1" "VioletRed1" "DarkOrange2" "LightGoldenrod2" "Pink2" "VioletRed2" "DarkOrange3" "LightGoldenrod3" "Pink3" "VioletRed3" "DarkOrange4" "LightGoldenrod4" "Pink4" "VioletRed4" "DarkOrchid1" "LightPink1" "Plum1" "Wheat1" "DarkOrchid2" "LightPink2" "Plum2" "Wheat2" "DarkOrchid3" "LightPink3" "Plum3" "Wheat3" "DarkOrchid4" "LightPink4" "Plum4" "Wheat4" "DarkSeaGreen1" "LightSalmon1" "Purple1" "Yellow1" "DarkSeaGreen2" "LightSalmon2" "Purple2" "Yellow2" "DarkSeaGreen3" "LightSalmon3" "Purple3" "Yellow3" "DarkSeaGreen4" "LightSalmon4" "Purple4" "Yellow4" "DarkSlateGray1" "LightSkyBlue1" "Red1" "Gray0" "DarkSlateGray2" "LightSkyBlue2" "Red2" "Green0" "DarkSlateGray3" "LightSkyBlue3" "Red3" "Grey0" "DarkSlateGray4" "LightSkyBlue4" "Red4" "Maroon0" "DeepPink1" "LightSteelBlue1" "RosyBrown1" "Purple0" "DeepPink2" "LightSteelBlue2" "RosyBrown2" "DeepPink3" "LightSteelBlue3" "RosyBrown3" "DeepPink4" "LightSteelBlue4" "RosyBrown4") "List of colors defined by package option x11names from xcolor.sty.") (defvar LaTeX-xcolor-color-models (append LaTeX-xcolor-core-color-models LaTeX-xcolor-num-color-models LaTeX-xcolor-pseudo-color-models) "Combine three variables `LaTeX-xcolor-core-color-models', `LaTeX-xcolor-num-color-models' and `LaTeX-xcolor-pseudo-color-models'.") (defun LaTeX-xcolor-color-models (&optional no-named) "Return the value of variable `LaTeX-xcolor-color-models'. If NO-NAMED is non-nil, remove \"named\" and return the remainder." (if no-named (remove "named" LaTeX-xcolor-color-models) LaTeX-xcolor-color-models)) ;; Needed for auto-parsing. (require 'tex) ;; Setup AUCTeX parser for \definecolor(set): (TeX-auto-add-type "xcolor-definecolor" "LaTeX") (TeX-auto-add-type "xcolor-definecolorset" "LaTeX") (defvar LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-regexp (eval-when-compile `(,(concat "\\\\" (regexp-opt '("definecolor" "providecolor" "preparecolor" "colorlet")) "\\(?:\\[\\(?:[^]]*\\)\\]\\)?{\\([^}]+\\)}") 1 LaTeX-auto-xcolor-definecolor)) "Match the argument of various color defining macros from xcolor package.") (defvar LaTeX-xcolor-definecolorset-regexp `(,(concat "\\\\\\(?:define\\|provide\\|prepare\\)" "colorset" "\\(?:\\[\\(?:[^]]*\\)\\]\\)?" "{\\(?:[^}]+\\)}" "{\\([^}]+\\)}" "{\\([^}]+\\)}" "{\\([^}]+\\)}") (1 2 3) LaTeX-auto-xcolor-definecolorset) "Match the argument of various color-set defining macros from xcolor package.") (defun LaTeX-xcolor-auto-prepare () "Clear `LaTeX-auto-xcolor-definecolor' before parsing." (setq LaTeX-auto-xcolor-definecolor nil LaTeX-auto-xcolor-definecolorset nil)) (defun LaTeX-xcolor-auto-cleanup () "Process the parsed elements from `LaTeX-auto-xcolor-definecolorset'." (dolist (colset (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolorset-list)) (let ((head (car colset)) (tail (cadr colset)) (cols (split-string (replace-regexp-in-string "[ %\n\r\t]" "" (nth 2 colset)) "\\(,[^;]+;\\|,[^;]+$\\)" t))) (dolist (color cols) (LaTeX-add-xcolor-definecolors (concat head color tail)))))) (add-hook 'TeX-auto-prepare-hook #'LaTeX-xcolor-auto-prepare t) (add-hook 'TeX-auto-cleanup-hook #'LaTeX-xcolor-auto-cleanup t) (add-hook 'TeX-update-style-hook #'TeX-auto-parse t) (defun TeX-arg-xcolor-definecolor (optional) "Insert arguments of \\definecolor and similar macros from xcolor.sty." ;; \definecolor[]{}{}{} (let* ((TeX-last-optional-rejected nil) (xcoltype (LaTeX-check-insert-macro-default-style (completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Type") LaTeX-xcolor-type-color-models))) (xcolname (TeX-read-string (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Color name"))) (xcolmodel (completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Model (list)") (if (string= xcoltype "named") (LaTeX-xcolor-color-models t) LaTeX-xcolor-color-models))) (xcolspec (if (string= xcolmodel "named") (completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Color") (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list)) (TeX-read-string (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil (concat xcolmodel " spec (list)")))))) (when (and xcoltype (not (string= xcoltype ""))) (insert (format "[%s]" xcoltype))) (TeX-argument-insert xcolname optional) (LaTeX-add-xcolor-definecolors xcolname) (TeX-argument-insert xcolmodel optional) (TeX-argument-insert xcolspec optional))) (defun TeX-arg-xcolor-definecolorset (optional) "Insert arguments of \\definecolorset and similar macros from xcolor.sty." (let* ((TeX-last-optional-rejected nil) (xcoltype (LaTeX-check-insert-macro-default-style (completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Type") LaTeX-xcolor-type-color-models))) (xcolmodel (completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Model") (LaTeX-xcolor-color-models t)))) (when (and xcoltype (not (string= xcoltype ""))) (insert (format "[%s]" xcoltype))) (TeX-argument-insert xcolmodel optional))) (defun TeX-arg-xcolor (optional) "Insert arguments of various color commands from xcolor.sty." ;; \color{} or \color[]{} (let* ((TeX-last-optional-rejected nil) (xcolmodel (LaTeX-check-insert-macro-default-style (completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Model (list)") (LaTeX-xcolor-color-models t)))) (xcolor (if (and xcolmodel (not (string= xcolmodel ""))) (TeX-read-string (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil (concat xcolmodel " spec (list)"))) (completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Color") (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list))))) (when (and xcolmodel (not (string= xcolmodel ""))) (insert (format "[%s]" xcolmodel))) (TeX-argument-insert xcolor optional))) (defun TeX-arg-xcolor-fcolorbox (optional) "Insert arguments of \\fcolorbox from xcolor.sty." ;;\fcolorbox[]{}[]{}{} (let* ((TeX-last-optional-rejected nil) (xfrmodel (LaTeX-check-insert-macro-default-style (completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "(Frame) Color model") LaTeX-xcolor-color-models))) ;; Set `TeX-last-optional-rejected' acc. to `xfrmodel' (TeX-last-optional-rejected (or (not xfrmodel) (and xfrmodel (string= xfrmodel "")))) (xfrspec (if (or (null xfrmodel) (string= xfrmodel "") (string= xfrmodel "named")) (completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Frame color spec") (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list)) (TeX-read-string (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Frame color spec")))) (xbgmodel (LaTeX-check-insert-macro-default-style (completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Background Color model") LaTeX-xcolor-color-models))) (xbgspec (if (or (null xfrmodel) (string= xfrmodel "") (string= xfrmodel "named") (null xbgmodel) (string= xbgmodel "") (string= xbgmodel "named")) (completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Background color spec") (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list)) (TeX-read-string (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Background color spec"))))) (when (and xfrmodel (not (string= xfrmodel ""))) (insert (format "[%s]" xfrmodel))) (TeX-argument-insert xfrspec optional) (when (and xbgmodel (not (string= xbgmodel ""))) (insert (format "[%s]" xbgmodel))) (TeX-argument-insert xbgspec optional))) (TeX-add-style-hook "xcolor" (lambda () ;; Add color to the parser. (TeX-auto-add-regexp LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-regexp) (TeX-auto-add-regexp LaTeX-xcolor-definecolorset-regexp) ;; Add list of colors which are always available. (apply #'LaTeX-add-xcolor-definecolors LaTeX-xcolor-base-colors) ;; Add dvips colors in conjunction with `dvipsnames*?'. (when (or (LaTeX-provided-package-options-member "xcolor" "dvipsnames") (LaTeX-provided-package-options-member "xcolor" "dvipsnames*")) (apply #'LaTeX-add-xcolor-definecolors LaTeX-xcolor-dvipsnames-colors)) ;; For `svgnames*?' (when (or (LaTeX-provided-package-options-member "xcolor" "svgnames") (LaTeX-provided-package-options-member "xcolor" "svgnames*")) (apply #'LaTeX-add-xcolor-definecolors LaTeX-xcolor-svgnames-colors)) ;; For `x11ames*?' (when (or (LaTeX-provided-package-options-member "xcolor" "x11names") (LaTeX-provided-package-options-member "xcolor" "x11names*")) (apply #'LaTeX-add-xcolor-definecolors LaTeX-xcolor-x11names-colors)) (TeX-add-symbols ;; 2.5.2 Color definition in xcolor ;; \definecolor[]{}{}{} '("definecolor" TeX-arg-xcolor-definecolor) ;; \providecolor[]{}{}{} '("providecolor" TeX-arg-xcolor-definecolor) ;; \colorlet[]{}[]{} '("colorlet" [ TeX-arg-eval completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Type") LaTeX-xcolor-type-color-models ] (TeX-arg-eval (lambda () (let ((xcolor (TeX-read-string (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Color")))) (LaTeX-add-xcolor-definecolors xcolor) (format "%s" xcolor)))) [ TeX-arg-eval completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Model") (LaTeX-xcolor-color-models t) ] (TeX-arg-eval completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Color") (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list))) ;; 2.5.3 Defining sets of colors ;; \definecolorset[]{}{}{}{} '("definecolorset" TeX-arg-xcolor-definecolorset "Head" "Tail" t) ;; \providecolorset[]{}{}{}{} '("providecolorset" TeX-arg-xcolor-definecolorset "Head" "Tail" t) ;; 2.5.4 Immediate and deferred definitions ;; \preparecolor[]{}{}{} '("preparecolor" TeX-arg-xcolor-definecolor) ;; \preparecolorset[]{}{}{}{} '("preparecolorset" TeX-arg-xcolor-definecolorset "Head" "Tail" t) ;; \definecolors{} '("definecolors" t) ;; \providecolors{} '("providecolors" t) ;; 2.6 Color application ;; 2.6.1 Standard color commands ;; \color{} or \color[]{} '("color" TeX-arg-xcolor) ;; \textcolor{}{} or ;; \textcolor[]{}{} '("textcolor" TeX-arg-xcolor "Text") ;; \pagecolor{} or ;; \pagecolor[]{} '("pagecolor" TeX-arg-xcolor) ;; \nopagecolor '("nopagecolor" 0) ;; 2.6.2 Colored boxes ;; \colorbox{}{} or ;; \colorbox[]{}{} '("colorbox" TeX-arg-xcolor "Text") ;; \fcolorbox{}{}{} or ;; \fcolorbox[]{}{}{} or ;; \fcolorbox[]{}[]{}{} '("fcolorbox" TeX-arg-xcolor-fcolorbox "Text") ;; 2.6.4 Color testing ;; \testcolor{} or ;; \testcolor[]{} '("testcolor" TeX-arg-xcolor) ;; 2.7 Color blending '("blendcolors" (TeX-arg-eval completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Mix expr") (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list))) '("blendcolors*" (TeX-arg-eval completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Mix expr") (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list))) ;; 2.8 Color masks and separation '("maskcolors" [ TeX-arg-eval completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Model") (LaTeX-xcolor-color-models t) ] (TeX-arg-eval completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Color") (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list))) ;; 2.9 Color series '("definecolorseries" "Name" (TeX-arg-eval completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Core model") LaTeX-xcolor-core-color-models) (TeX-arg-eval completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Method") '("step" "grad" "last")) [ t ] nil [ nil ] nil) '("resetcolorseries" [ "Div." ] "Name") ;; 2.13 Color information ;; \extractcolorspec{}{} '("extractcolorspec" (TeX-arg-eval completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Color") (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list)) (TeX-arg-define-macro "Command: \\")) ;; \extractcolorspecs{}{}{} '("extractcolorspecs" (TeX-arg-eval completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Color") (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list)) (TeX-arg-define-macro "Model command: \\") (TeX-arg-define-macro "Color command: \\")) ;; \tracingcolors = '("tracingcolors" (TeX-arg-literal "=")) ;; 2.14 Color conversion ;; \convertcolorspec{}{}{}{cmd>} '("convertcolorspec" (TeX-arg-eval completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Model") (LaTeX-xcolor-color-models)) (TeX-arg-eval TeX-read-string (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Spec")) (TeX-arg-eval completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Model") (LaTeX-xcolor-color-models t)) (TeX-arg-define-macro "Macro: \\")) ) ; close TeX-add-symbols ;; 2.12 Color in tables ;; These commands are available with `table' package option (when (LaTeX-provided-package-options-member "xcolor" "table") ;; Run style hook to colortbl.sty (TeX-run-style-hooks "colortbl") ;; Add additional commands: (TeX-add-symbols ;; \rowcolors[]{}{}{} '("rowcolors" (TeX-arg-conditional (y-or-n-p "With optional commands? ") ( [ t ] ) (ignore)) "Row" (TeX-arg-eval completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Odd-row color") (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list)) (TeX-arg-eval completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Even-row color") (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list))) '("rowcolors*" (TeX-arg-conditional (y-or-n-p "With optional commands? ") ( [ t ] ) (ignore)) "Row" (TeX-arg-eval completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Odd-row color") (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list)) (TeX-arg-eval completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Even-row color") (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list))) '("showrowcolors" 0) '("hiderowcolors" 0)) (LaTeX-add-counters "rownum")) ;; 2.6.4 Color testing (LaTeX-add-environments '("testcolors" LaTeX-env-args [ TeX-arg-eval mapconcat #'identity (TeX-completing-read-multiple (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Color models") (LaTeX-xcolor-color-models t)) "," ] )) ;; Fontification (when (and (featurep 'font-latex) (eq TeX-install-font-lock 'font-latex-setup)) (font-latex-add-keywords '(("color" "[{") ("pagecolor" "[{")) 'type-declaration) (font-latex-add-keywords '(("textcolor" "[{{") ("colorbox" "[{{" ) ("fcolorbox" "[{[{{")) 'type-command) (font-latex-add-keywords '(("definecolor" "[{{{") ("providecolor" "[{{{") ("colorlet" "[{[{") ("definecolorset" "[{{{{") ("providecolorset" "[{{{{") ("preparecolor" "[{{{") ("preparecolorset" "[{{{{") ("definecolors" "{") ("providecolors" "{") ("testcolor" "[{") ("blendcolors" "*{") ("maskcolors" "[{") ("definecolorseries" "{{{[{[{") ("resetcolorseries" "[{") ("extractcolorspec" "{{") ("extractcolorspecs" "{{{") ("convertcolorspec" "{{{{") ("rowcolors" "*[{{{")) 'function))) TeX-dialect) (defvar LaTeX-xcolor-package-options '(;; options that determine the color driver "dvips" "xdvi" "dvipdf" "dvipdfm" "dvipdfmx" "pdftex" "dvipsone" "dviwindo" "emtex" "dviwin" "oztex" "textures" "pctexps" "pctexwin" "pctexhp" "pctex32" "truetex" "tcidvi" "vtex" "xetex" ;; options that determine the target color model "natural" "rgb" "cmy" "cmyk" "hsb" "gray" "RGB" "HTML" "HSB" "Gray" "monochrome" ;; options that control predefined colors loading "dvipsnames" "dvipsnames*" "svgnames" "svgnames*" "x11names" "x11names*" ;; options that determine which other packages to load "table" "fixpdftex" "hyperref" ;; options that influence the behaviour of other commands "prologue" "kernelfbox" "xcdraw" "noxcdraw" "fixinclude" "showerrors" "hideerrors") "Package options for the xcolor package.") ;;; xcolor.el ends here